Wednesday, February 18th – Homework

Read “When You Camp Out, Do it Right” by Ernest Hemingway (pgs 121-125 in The River Reader).  Be prepared to discuss this on Monday.

In class on Wednesday, we went over page 3 of The River Reader and practiced answering the questions asked in the bullet points there. For the second part of your homework, answer those questions in the bullet points about “When You Camp Out, Do it Right,” and be prepared to turn them in on Monday.

Finally, as a comment on this post, write a short response to “When You Camp Out, Do it Right,” as suggested in the introduction of your book. Read back over page 2 where it says “Step 3” and explains what things you may want to focus on in a response if you need ideas or explanation.

NOTE: If you did not turn in your essay today, you will lose a letter grade for each day it is late. E-mail me a copy ASAP in order to lose as few points as possible, but you are still required to turn in a hard (printed) copy on Monday if you did not turn one in today. You will stop losing points for lateness as soon as I receive a readable copy of your work in an e-mail.

20 responses to “Wednesday, February 18th – Homework

  1. In the essay Camping Out, Ernest Hemingway explains how the knowledge of bugs, proper bedding, and cooking are necessary for a successful camping trip.
    The author has a very nice way of giving tips and advice to thew readers. He gives tips and advice in a funny way and also he uses his own personal experience. I like the fact that he makes fun of people about the mosquito repellent that you buy at the store and says that its less effective than natural oils that you can buy at the pharmacy. There isn’t much that puzzles me about the story since its mainly tips about camping. Something that reminded me was the fact that when i go camping i also go to the store and buy the expensive insect propellant and it ends up not being very effective. This text relates to other texts that i have read by being able to use satire to bring up important issues. This can be seen in the work “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. This work of literature was very informative to me since i am an active camper, and it address common issues i often have to deal with.

  2. In the story “When You Camp Out Do It Right” by Ernest Hemingway wants to represent us how survive in camping trip & give us some suggestion about cooking , insect, weather etc.
    The writer’s story is helpful for those people who want save their one week salary because a man gets his two weeks salary while he is on vacation .
    But it’s not easier to live in woods because he says that there are deer flies, gnats, and mosquitoes were instituted by the devil to force people to live in cities . Not only this but also he solves this problem by sharing his personal experience . He also share about how can he cooked in campaign. Though some problems living in wood, he said real woodman can really feel comfortable in the bush with this roughing.

  3. Hemingway establishes the purpose of his essay by giving directions on how to achieve a successful two week camping trip. According to Hemingway when people go camping they expect to be able to sleep comfortable every night, eat well and return home rested and healthy. Most people fail to achieve this goal because they forget to bring bug repellent for the mosquitoes.

  4. On the surface, Hemingway talks about camping, but like many other great writers, there is an underlying message. So I wasn’t really surprised when I read the small biography before the story, and it stated that Hemingway had specific techniques he liked to utilize when writing.

  5. In the story “When You Camp Out Do It Right” by Ernest Hemingway explains how knowledge of bugs, bedding, and cooking is necessary for successful camping. In the whole essay he talks about the thing we need for go on a camping. Hemingway explains necessary tools we need to protect ourselves mosquitoes and other bugs. Then he also tells us how to make our bed in woods. I personally thing the most important advice was cooking food in the woods.

  6. In the story “When You Camp Out Do It Right” by Ernest Hemingway talks about the right way to camping. If your going to do something then do it right. I like how he describes what happens when people camp and what you should bring and do. He mentions things about using oils as a bug repellent, bringing extra blankets, ways to cook properly so you can have the wonderful relaxing experience of camping. The only part that appealed to me is that he tells you what to do and things to bring for a camping trip.

  7. The short story “When You Camp Out, Do it Right” by Ernest Hemingway was really fun to read. The story caught my attention quickly because I don’t know much about camping. This story reminded me of my own experience because I went fishing once and failed miserably. I got the end of the fishing pole tangled and didn’t know how to fix it. To bad I didn’t have a toturial like Ernest gives for camping. The entire read was appealing to me because he was very disccriptive and I learned from his instructions and tips.

  8. In the story “When You Camp Out, Do it Right” by Ernest Hemingway explains the ins and outs of camping. Whether you want to camp for one night or multiple nights. Ernest Hemingway tells you all the essential things you should have to stay comfortable. I learned a couple of things for the future when I decide to go camping.

  9. Throughout the passage “When You Camp Out Do It Right” by Ernest Hemingway , he briefly discusses the proper ways to have a great time whenever someone decides to go camping and also he transition his essay by giving tips when he or she is cooking and baking.

  10. In “When you camp out do it right” by Ernest Hemingway he reveals to the readers how to have an enjoyable time when you go camping, in this passage he briefly tells readers that by knowing how to keep bugs away, sleep properly in the woods,and to cook you would have a better experience, versus if you didn’t know how to sleep, cook, and keep the bugs away in the woods. This passage taught me how camp wisely if I ever decided to do so.

  11. In the story “When You Camp Out Do it Right” by Ernest Hemingway, he goes into detail about how to get camping. The author goes very in depth discussing a couple of topics about camping such as the weather, cooking, insects, etc. Hemingway tells the reader what he feels is the “right way” to go camping and gives tips throughout the piece. I learned some new things to go camping if I want to in the future.

  12. In “When you camp out do it right” by Ernest Hemingway, the author tells us that in order for us to have a proper camping trip, we must have the correct materials. Throughout the story he tells us tips for things that we definitely need to know if we want to keep bugs away etc. This story taught me some things that I didn’t know before so I know how to react in the future

  13. In “When you camp out, do it right” by Ernest Hemingway, the author demonstrates what to do and what not to do on a camping trip. We are given tips and suggestions on how to become a successful camper. The author discusses many things that are expected on the trip and what we should be aware of. This story can relate to anyone or can be helpful to people who are going camping. I think that the authors purpose is to inform people on the outdoors and to make sure they are prepared.

  14. In the story ” when you camp out do it right ” by Ernest Hemingway , basically describes tips on how to enjoy camping,what materials you should bring and proper ways to go about when camping. What to do and whats necessary for a successful camping trip, the author describes cool ideas on how prepared you should be and also having knowledge on cooking different dishes is needed.

  15. In “When you camp out, do it right” by Ernest Hemingway, Hemingway explains in explicit detail how to camp out. The story starts out by giving a few helpful hits to what should be expected out of camping. However as the story continues Hemingway manages to give direct examples and explanations to how to cook when in the outdoors. In a strange way Hemingway is trying to give all people a way to “properly” camp out. However the amount of detail he uses makes it seem like he has another intent. Through his use of examples and step by step instructions he manages to give his audience a proper way to camp.

  16. Ernest Hemingway is one of the best writers of all time. Just by reading this short story : “When you camp out, do it right” we can see his genius. Such a boring topic, like camping, became funny and interesting. You simply can’t stop reading it because all the information are actually useful and are told in a light, humorous way. When you read this you feel like he is an old uncle telling some things that you should do the next time you go camping.

  17. In the story “When You Camp Out Do It Right” by Ernest Hemingway, he mention that camping can be something that is boring turn in to something really fun to do. The way that he describes camping in a funny and interesting way with details and step by step method gets you in to the story and learn a lot from the author. Reading this makes me feel like i have a lot of experience in camping and gives me the urge to camp right now.

  18. In the short story, ” When you camp out, do it right ” by Ernest Hemingway. He gives the reader specific, descriptive details within his story. This helps the short story be more visually clear . The message from the story, “When you camp, out do it right” is simply a guide, and comparison on how modern day living is completely abandoning the fact that living just on basic survival skills can changes one’s idea on the value of life. It would not be easy for someone who has been raised into believing that cooking in a kitchen, or even sleeping in a warm bed to survive in the wild. In fact according to Ernest it would be extremely difficult because they would have no clue on what to do to survive out side their man made habitat.

  19. The story “When You Camp Out, Do it Right” by Ernest Hemingway illustrates how to survive in the “bush” which represents the woods. He says that living in the city is expensive and if people decide to go away to this “bush” they should be able to save money and survive out there. He gives tips on how to survive from the mosquitoes bites, starvation and insomnia. This actually reminded me of a How To Book the way he was so specific with directions and this would be insightful if I ever went to the woods or didn’t have excess to the basic utensils/tools.

  20. The story “When You Camp Out Do It Right” by Ernest Hemingway focuses on key insiders for camping out in the woods successfully, which the average camper fails to do. One important factor he touches on are mosquitos, and how they should be dealt with. Two, getting a good night sleep, emphasizing the importance of proper shelter. Lastly, cooking, and how it should be done properly. The writing is very descriptive, and is basically a survival guide, complimented with some of his own experiences. That being said, for someone who has never camped before, I feel more confident after reading this story and now have a better direction of what to do if I were to go out in the woods.

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