Monthly Archives: March 2015

Monday, March 30th – Homework

Work on research.

Finish “Easy Way Out” summary and response, and response, due in class on Wednesday.

Response question:

Do you think kids should be shielded from competition at a young age? Why or why not? Use specific points from the article and discuss them to make your point. Also include evidence from personal experiences, past readings, or things you’ve seen or heard about to help support your thesis.

Wednesday, March 25th – Homework

Bring a page to class Monday with:

3 reputable sources
– Title and author, if it’s a book or article
– Title, author, and URL if it’s an online source

Monday, March 18th – Homework

  • Bring your outline of your research project to turn in on Monday
  • Bring your rewritten descriptive essay to turn in on Monday
  • Watch the video at (also in the Documents section on OpenLab) and fill out the In-Text Citations worksheet with the answers from the video. Do this by class Wednesday.


Monday, March 16th – Homework

Have a specific topic ready in class on Wednesday for your research paper. Be sure it’s specific, and I would suggest doing a little browsing before class to be sure you can find information on this topic and that it’s neither too broad nor too narrow.

Look at pages 569-579 in The River Reader. This is important information about research paper writing.

Rewrite your descriptive essay – this is due Monday. In the “Douments” section at the top, I have included some information on the difference between a narrative and a descriptive essay. Remember, in a narrative you tell the story of what happened to you. In a description, you describe steps to complete a process or a specific place, event, or person.

Wednesday, March 11th – Homework

Read “The Order of Things” on pages 223-250 in The River Reader and be prepared to discuss on Monday.

Think of something you are very familiar with, such as different brands of a similar product or different companies providing similar services and rank them. Include reasons for your rankings and be prepared to share in class on Monday. Your reasons should be based on logic or performance rather than emotion or guesses.

Monday, March 9th – Homework

Read the essay “Five Myths about Immigration” on pages 227-232 in The River Reader and be prepared to discuss it in class.

Continue studying pages 1-12 in Rules of Thumb.

Wednesday, March 4th – Homework

Read Rules of Thumb pages 83-84.

Study Rules of Thumb pages 3-12. (You should not need to study every word, just focus on the ones that give you trouble.)

You descriptive essay is due in class on Monday.

Note: E-Mailing Homework

Homework should only be e-mailed to me if you will be absent or if you have a late assignment. A hard copy should always be turned in on the next class day as well. Be sure you include your full name and what assignment you are sending me in the e-mail.

Monday, March 2nd – Homework

Read “Third World Driving Hints and Tips” on pages 133-137 in The River Reader.

As a comment on this post, answer these questions before class on Wednesday:

What do you think the purpose of this essay is?
Who is the intended audience for this essay?
How do you think an unintended audience (for instance, the “natives” mentioned in the essay) would feel reading this author’s description of driving behavior in their country?


NOTE: Descriptive essay due on Monday.