
There are three things you need to do for homework before class on Wednesday.

Please be sure to read all directions and complete the assignments on time.

1. Buy the books:

  • The River Reader, 11th ed
    By: Joseph F. Trimmer
    ISBN: 978-1-133-31031-0
  • Rules of Thumb, a Guide for Writers, 9th ed
    By: Silverman, Hughes, Wienbroer
    ISBN: 987-0-07-340596

2. Join the OpenLab:

  • https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/ is the OpenLab website.
    https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/foxeng1101/ is our class website. (That’s where we are right now.)
  • Simply follow the second link above and look in the top right corner. There, you will see the option to sign up or log in. Click “sign up” and it will bring you to the OpenLab area to set up an account.
  • From there, you have to fill out some information about yourself. Please use your actual name as your display name.
    NOTE: Adding me as a friend on OpenLab is not the same as joining the course. Be sure, once you are at my profile, to click the link for the course and click to join the course underneath the photo of the wood and leaves. You do need to join the course; it is a requirement of the class.

3. Comment on this post:

  • Look through the contents pages of The River Reader and comment on this post with your name comment naming which of the stories or poems in this book you would most like to read and why.
  • To make a comment, simply click the words “leave a comment” directly below this post.

13 responses to “Welcome!

  1. I think we should read “Five Myths about Immigration” by David cole as a class. I chose this essay cause the title of the essay sort of got my attention. I think this will be an interesting topic to know about.

  2. I think we should look into these stories, they seem really interesting.
    – The myth of the latin woman by Judith Ortiz Cofer
    – Women and the future of fatherhood by Barara Kingsolver
    – The truth about lying by Judith Viorst

  3. I think “Attention! Multitaskers” by James Gleick is pretty interesting because it’s about us. Also “What’s Wrong with Animal Rights” by Vicky Hearne seems to have different than usual approach to this topic.
    Just anything but racism, death penalty etc. How many times can we write about the same things?

  4. Hm. There’s a lot of things I’d want to read in this book, but if I had to narrow it down to three choices:
    -Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell
    -A Word’s Meaning Can Often Depend On Who Says It by Gloria Naylor
    -When You Camp Out, Do It Right by Ernest Hemingway

  5. The story I would like to read in this book is, ” The technology of medicine” by Lewis Thomas. Being a health care major this short story grabbed my interest, and really made me think about all the technology that could one day be applied to medicine and health care.

  6. I think we should read
    1. ‘Campus Racism 101’ by Nikki Giovanni
    2. ‘Digging’ by Andre Dubus
    3.’ Revelation’ by Flannery O’ Conner

    These three stories seem interesting and the titles are what caught my attention.

  7. 1. Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell
    2.The truth about lying by Judith Viorst
    These seem very interesting & seems like things we can relate on.

  8. I think we should read
    1. drawing on experience by Ann Zwinger
    2. the truth about lying by Judith Viorst
    3. how flowers changed the world by Loren Eiseley
    because these three seem to catch my interest and these stories seem unique.

  9. I would like to read The Truth About Lying by Judith Viorst because everyone lies once in a while and there are different types of lies. We can read about them and go in detail about each type of lie. I would also like to read The Movie That Changed My Life by Terry McMillan because I would like to know how and what movie changed someones life. That seems interesting. I would like to also read I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr. because we celebrate his birthday and black history month and would like to furth study him and black history.

  10. I am interested in reading Drawing on Experience by Ann Zwinger because as an artist the summery quickly caught my attention and may be a very fun read. I am also interested in reading The Ones Who Walk Away from by Terry McMillan because it looks like a story with a bit of mystery and I like stories with plot twists which it states it has in the summery.

  11. I think we should read about the section that talks about the different types of lies.

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