Before class on Thursday, complete Practice 8 on past unreal (untrue) conditionals on page 204 of your grammar workbook.
Before 10pm on Wednesday, respond to this post answering these three questions:
- Why do people lie?
- How would society be different if no one ever lied? Would this be a good or bad thing overall? Why?
- What are some clues that help you tell when someone is lying? Do you think you’re good at being able to tell when someone is lying to you? Why or why not?
Number your answers when you comment.
Before class on Thursday, respond to one of your classmate’s comments. Tell them what you agree with and why or respectfully disagree with them and explain your position. Alternatively, you could expand on one of their points and share your own experience. Both your comment and your reply to a classmate’s comment should be well though out, in good English with your best spelling and grammar, and consist of several sentences.
This counts as a homework grade. Follow all directions and do your best work to get full credit.
1-many reason. Because they need to, because they want to, because they think it is funny, and many other reasons.
2-Depends one the what do people lie and why, it is a ok thing. I think a white lie it is ok because sometimes it is polite and good to do white lie.
3-The clue is: they act differently or they have a nervous tic that is presented in their body language. People can tell when someone is lying just to attention on them and also do not be distract, ever. Bad things can happened to good people. I think it very good to be a good liar because in this world, most of the time, it is too bad to be a trustful person.
totally agree
I agree with you that sometimes we need to tell little lies “white lies” and this is ok.
1- people tend to lie because they want a certain thing to go in the way that benefits them.
2- in my opinion this would be bad because depending on the situation we should lie not always because been honest is also necessary in our relation with each other.
3-if they go around to many times before going to a certain answer, that would tell me that he is lying , or they touch their hair excessively, that would tell me he is lying.
You’re completely right! Our social rules actually require us to lie in many cases. If we didn’t things would be a mess!
I am strongly agree with your answer of number 1 because people always lie when they’re trying to get something and that’s beneficial for them.
1. People like to lie because they want to cover the truth. Maybe it’s a white lie, but usually it does benefit the liar himself/herself.
2. I do think the society will be changing a lot overall, it means that everyone in the world have to tell the truth. But sometimes people do not want to know the reality. They always like to hear what it’s good for them and make them feel good. Overall, it will be a bad idea if no one ever lied.
3. There are many clues that i can tell when someone is lying. I do have similar experience. When someone is lying, he/she might look at somewhere else, and he/she is not paying attention. Their hands or body might be trembling. Or either his/her/their voice is/are going lower than usual. I don’t think i am good at telling when someone is lying to me or not. Those situation i had mentioned just clues that people might react like. In reality it is really hard to tell. And i am not Sherlock Holmes.
I completely agreed with your answer number 2 people like to hear just what they want to hear “good things”
You’re right that usually a person lies just to benefit themselves. Even white lies can go this way, though I do think sometimes they’re for the benefit of the recipient of the lie.
I am agree with you. But if we think, is it lies really beneficial?
1. People lie in two conditions:
(1) they can’t face the truth.
(2) there is something beneficial for them.
2. If no one ever lied they don’t get afraid of the result of truth, they accept their mistake and never cheat anyone. It’s a good thing because if no one lies then no one gets hurt.
3. clues are as under.
(1) when someone is making too many excuses.
(2) when they are avoiding to look at you.
(3) when they are trying to change the topic. (in a certain situation)
(4) when their hands and legs are trembling.
(5) suddenly, their voice is changed.
yes, I am good at being able to tell when someone is lying to many. I like to do face reading and that’s why I can guess.
Do you think there are ever times when people lie in order to help someone else or to avoid hurting someone?
Most do lie because they can’t face the truth,or truth can get them in problems…….
Yup, people lie in these case to help someone. But they lie when they afraid of the results of truth. If everyone can understand each other then no one lie to any person
1.I believe people lie for two main reasons, one is to not ruin their reputation and the second one is to change other people’s point of view.
2.If no one ever lied society would be perfect and there wouldn’t be any problems at all. This would be a good thing because lying leads to problems, no lies mean no problems and no problems means a happy life.
3.Clues that help me tell when someone is lying are sweaty hands, not looking at me, changing conversation, laughing unexpectedly, tapping with their feet, face changing color, and more. I do think I’m good at detecting lies because I have raised four kids so that gives me some experience but I also think I’m not good at detecting lies because not everyone acts the same.
I would love to give credit to your work, but I don’t know who you are!
I like your second things. If you lied someone then you have to lie again to hide first one
1/a) People may have to lie to avoid an awkward situation or to avoid trouble.
b) Sometime they need to lie to get what they want or to avoid doing things that he don’t want to do.
2/ If everybody telling the truth and never lie to each other it will be a great thing. It will be credibility between them and faithfulness.
3/ We can now when someone lying to us when they looks nervous and sometimes when they say a nonsense thing.
Giving to much excuses and change speech.
Sometimes we can’t now for two reason:1)When we can’t imagine from the person that we love and trust that they lying to us.
2) If the person is so expert in telling lies.
You’re right that there tends to be two distinct reasons for a person to lie. It’s not always because they’re trying to be hurtful, but sometimes it definitely is!
1. People lie to cover up the truth because it’s embarrassing, deadly or something like that.
2. If no one in the society ever lie, our relationship with one and other will not last long. It’s a bad thing because sometimes truth are not needed.
3. When someone is lying they will take a second longer to answer the question. Often they will repeat the answer and do much more hand motion. I’m not good at telling when someone is lying because lying had become our hobby.
You’re so right, Wing Fung. Sometimes lies are necessary for our society!
yes, sometime we need some white lie for people’s relationship. Although that lying will easily become our hobby so be batter to find the balance of lying for ourselves.
1- People have difference reasons to lie, can be because they like, or don’t want to hurt someone , or just for their convenience and so on.
2- definitely society “would” be different in different ways, can be good or bad a good thing would be people would be credible, but it also have their bad side. people can get hurt when you tell the truth, or doctors tell the truth to those patient who have a really bad disease. lying to someone have good and bad things, all depend how people use it.
3-they are many clues that you can tell when someone is lying, our body use to transmit those emotions some of then can be nervous, don’t look at your eyes or look at you as a scared person, tend to get out of the topic and many more. I think I can be able to distinguish who is lying or who is not, however sometimes they are kind of people who are expert on lying, that you don’t really now how to distingh truth or lies.
Good point, Rafy. I think most of us think we can tell when someone is lying, but sometimes people are really good at it! It’s also easier when the liar is someone you know well.
1. It’s because they want to hide or cover the truth and they maybe want to avoid some punishments.
2. If no one ever lied, the society will be more honest and we don’t worry that be deceived. But the society also is more despair because some truths are harmful. For example, if a person who looks like not good and he/she post a photo on online. That time, the comment might like cyberbullying.
3. 1) The clues about someone who lying is that they don’t talk fluent and their eyes will look at elsewhere.
2) I’m not good at being able to tell when someone is lying to you, it’s because I don’t usually talk with other people.
I think you make a good point, Ziqi. It’s easier to determine when someone is lying if we spend a lot of time talking to them or in social interactions in general.
1.There are two reason why people lie
– People want to cover the truth, or through the lie to get the benefit.
– People through the white lie to help other people.
2.I think its a bad idea, because if no one lie. The society will be changing a lot overall. Everyone will speak truth in the world. It’s impossible, because a lot of the people they don’t want to know the reality. They like to hear someone say the good thing to them.
3. I can through his/her eyes,body and speech to know someone lying to me. When people lying, the eyes will be enlarge, body maybe shaking and thinking more details to complete logical in speech. I don’t think I am good at telling when someone lying to me.
Jason, you make a good point here. Sometimes our societal rules require us to lie!
1.People lie to get away with things/to save them self.
2.Society would be a messed up place.Because you can’t save your self form something or help someone to save their life.Overall it would be bad things because by telling lies you might save someone you love.
3.I can tell if someone is lying by looking at their face,I know that because I do those things they be doing when I lie too.
I like your third answer, because when we trust someone we can’t catch when he is lying or not.
1- People lie to cover up the truth and they get scared from their parents to tell the truth. They need to speak another lie to cover up the old lie.
2-The society would be different if no one ever lied because nobody will gets hurts from the lie and everyone can live happily in the society. This would a good things overall because everyone will face the truth and nobody will get hurt from the lies.
3- Clues that help me tell when someone is lying.
. When people do not know what they are talking about.
. When people change topic while they are talking.
. When people makes a lot of excuses.
yes, i think i am good at being able to tell when someone is lying to me because i can tell when people try to change the topic while they are talking to me, from there i can tell someone is lying to me.
I’m not sure that nobody won’t get hurt if people always say the truth, some people avoid the truth because it’s hurtful so they prefer to lie instead of telling the truth. For example, someone who cheat on his/her lover, we all know most of the time that person would prefer to avoid to say the truth for fear of hurting his/her lover.
I have a problem with your first answer. Sorry, but I think people lie to cover up their first one.
1.People are lie for the benefit of other’s or themselves.
2.If that is no lie in the society, it will be honest society, but it may not is a good society. Sometime a little lie may promote people’s relationship, that we call ” a white lie.”
3.If someone lie to you, he or she may have a little nervous and stammer, also the liar will try to let you believe what he or she said. I not good to toll who is lying, most of time those lies are just for fun, although I will not easily believe to strangers.
1. People lie for different reasons, most of the time to hide something they don’t want to people or the one whom they talk to know.
2.It’s hard to imagine a society in what nobody lie. however, if that happen it would be a very safe society than the one we living in. In my opinion, lying is not always a bad thing some lies are helpful and constructive.
3. People used to say when someone is lying to you he always avoids your look in your eyes. I’m not sure for being very good to find out when someone is lying to me, even though sometimes I’m able to do it.Unless I have the prove that someone is lying most of the time I believe people.
There are many reasons for a person to lie. Sometimes we lie in order not to hurt someone else feeling, sometimes to find an excuse of being late at work so that we won’t be punished.
2-Lie becomes a part of our daily life. I can’t imagine a society without lying. I think if people stop lying and start to tell the truth no matter what the consequences would be people there would be a better society.
3- finding out whether the person that talking to you is lying or not is sort of difficult but the time that you are spending with him could enable you to figure out the truth.
I can’t say that I’m good at being able to find out the truth but I can say that spending enough time with people could be helpful to tell.
1. People often lie to cover the truth that they didn’t want others to know, because the truth might be hurtful for others or themselves.
2.If the no one lie the in society,there will be more trust between people.But people there will be more argues in a family, For example, you take selfies and put them on facebook, people won’t “like”anymore, they will comment so ugly or something else,because that is what they think inside them.
3.The clues is that most people feel nervous while they were lying,I am a good liars so most likely i can know someone is lying or not they often act differently as the use to do, eye contact is one of the clue, scratching their head is one of the clue.I think that its good to know when someone is lying, because you won’t be cheat easily.
Why do people lie?
Some people lie, because they want to hide themself or somebody else from been hurt.
How would society be different if no one ever lied? Would this be a good or bad thing overall? Why?
With no lie, the society will be much better then now. Every one will understand each other better with no true hided. So you will know who is really around you.
What are some clues that help you tell when someone is lying? Do you think you’re good at being able to tell when someone is lying to you? Why or why not?
Some clues that help me detect when someone is lying to me is by looking them in the eyes, with they frequantly try to not make eyes contact with you, that could be a prove that is lying.
Another one is when the person contradict themself a lot and try to avoid question or try to through randoms fact that aren’t really related on what they are trying to lie you about.
1.Why do people lie?
-The reason why people do lie is hide somethig that a person don’t want let other people know. Sometimes embarrassing things, secret..etc
2.How would society be different if no one ever lied? Would this be a good or bad thing overall? Why?
-It would be bad , because everyone knows that the lying is bad but same the same time there ar many white lies.
3.What are some clues that help you tell when someone is lying? Do you think you’re good at being able to tell when someone is lying to you? Why or why not?
-There are several ways to notice when someone lies. One of them is when they roll their eyes in typical direction, you have high chance to know whether they’re lying or not. It depends on what is a purpose of lying.
1. people lie because they want to cover something and not to hurt someones.
2. if no one ever lied, it likely more harmonious and it would be a good thing because the society will more peace and fall in crime rate.
3. when people lie they would not make eye contact and cheek will turn red.- it depend on white lie or it deliberate.