If you want to work more on CATW prep over the break, I have provided a CATW prompt for you below. This is for independent study and is not required and not for a grade.
Suggested study:
Turn off your phone and remove other distractions. Set a time for 90 minutes, and work as if you are taking the CATW, using only a paper dictionary and not taking any breaks. (Remember, time management is very important on the test, and you can’t get better at it without practicing.)
Read the below prompt and follow the CATW writing instructions to write your best possible CATW essay. Then, click the link below to see my own notes on the article, the things that are expected to be included in your summary, and some possible response planning tips and topics. Compare your work to the examples and assess for yourself how you did.
Don’t forget that the CATW Student Handbook is also available in the information tab above.

Read the passage above and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the authorâs most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced. Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay.
Only click this after you have done your own work and are looking for feedback:
Faux Friendship Discussion
If you want brief commentary on your response, you may bring a copy of this to me on Tuesday, April 25th. I will not grade it, and I will not comment on your summary and introduction since the above worksheet covers that, but I will comment on the relevance of your discussion and your aptitude connecting your ideas to the article if you like.