Before 10pm on Wednesday, respond to this post answering these three questions:
- What does your brain have to do with emotions?
- What does it mean to “put yourself in another person’s shoes”?
- Do you believe it is important to “tune into” other people’s feelings? What are the upsides of this? What are the downsides?
Number your answers when you comment.
Before class on Thursday, respond to one of your classmate’s comments. Tell them what you agree with and why or respectfully disagree with them and explain your position. Alternatively, you could expand on one of their points and share your own experience. Both your comment and your reply to a classmate’s comment should be well though out, in good English with your best spelling and grammar, and consist of several sentences.
This counts as a homework grade. Follow all directions and do your best work to get full credit.
NOTE: Bring your books to class on Thursday!
1.Brain’s main function in human body is receiving information and send it to other body’s to respond it.Types of input the brain understand are the emotion and pain.
2. “put yourself in another person shoes” is meaning when we want to help or understand other people feelings or situations that the time we put ourselves in another person shoes and also to see what the person is going through. is important for us to tune other people’s feelings because when we understand how other people are likely to feel, it can conduct our interaction with them.
Be a human means you are allowed to make mistakes. However, like Mallika wrote, It is important to understand people’s fillings.
I agree of what Mallika side in number 3. as a friend you should always turn your self into to understand your friend’s feeling, and that is why friendships is so splendid and precious.
All good points, Mallika! I agree that tuning into other people’s feelings can help us understand each other and can alter how we interact with them.
1-My brain has everything to do with my emotions, because it is the brain that commands the body.
2-This means: thing one moment that you are the person that you want to do good or bad. Now you can do something about it because you think twice. Do you really want this happen to you?
3-Depends because you make at this moment a enemy or a good friend.
im agree with everything what bla said, after we “put yourself in another person shoes” we think twice before we think
Antonietta, your second two answers could use a little more clarity, perhaps, but I like the way you think. Tuning into someone’s emotions can definitely impact our feelings about them, and that can be a good or a bad thing!
1- our brain has everything to do with the emotions because it is where we think before we commit any action, meaning that everything what we do first we though about it and then we made the action and then the emotion would come after the effect of our action.
2- “put yourself in another person shoes” means that to know why someone is doing something hard or wrong, first we have to put ourselves in their position and try to understand their reason for doing so.
3-depends on the situation, we could make a really good friend into a enemy or in the other way
Good job bro,
i agree with answer number 2 . Yes. You never know what’s right and what’s wrong before we putting ourselves in another person’s situation. Then we can say why he or she did this in this kind of situation.
I completely agree with you!!! we don’t know what is the reason why they are doing the action until put in their shoes or pass through same experience.
I think this is a great explanation of how the brain and emotions are related! Good work!
1. The brain have the mind of their own that able to walk inside our body whenever he want and punch our heart whenever he feels emotional
2.“put yourself in another person’s shoes” mean to wanting to understand that other persons thought or behavior by putting themselves in their situation.
3.It is important to “tun into” other people’s feelings this is just like unlocking a supernatural ability reading others mind and secretly become close with them and control their emotion.
Hi wing.
Im strongly a gree with number 2, I think you gave a great explanation. I also think the same way as you explaned, that puting yourself in another person’s shoes will you undertand the person better.
For number 1, I couldn’t get, what you meant to say, when you said “The brain have the mind of their own”.?
Wing Fung, this was a very good and concise explanation of “putting yourself into another person’s shoes.” Good work!
Wing Fung, this was a very good and concise explanation of “putting yourself into another person’s shoes.” Good work!
1) What does our brain have to do with emotions?
The brain is the motor of the human body. Our brain can do a verieties of funtion, like the senses, movement and also is capable of make our organism work propety. The fact that our brain is the motor of our body and control everything on it, emotion is the brain reaction to show the way you feel when facing certain situation.
2)What does it mean to “put yourself in another person’s shoes”?
To put yourself in another person’s shoes, meant that befere you judge someone else, think about how you will feel about it, before you say/do something.
3)Do you believe it is important to “tun into” other people’s feelings? What are the upsides of this? What are the downsides?
I do believe, that is important to tun into other people’s feeling, so that you will get a better understanding about the person way of been. The upside is that it will help you undertand the person better and in some case you provability can help them much easier. If help is need it. In the otherhand it also can be a downside, because some people can tun into other people’s feeling to find a way to destroy or hurt their feeling in a bad way.
Samuel, that’s an excellent point! Not everyone who “tunes in” is doing it with benevolent motivations.
1- Our brain have to do everything with emotions because Brian is also part of our body. Our brains can feel the danger before when we even feeling being afarid.
2- “Put yourself in another person’s shoes” it’s mean that we start judging people without knowing them and saying bad stuff to other.
3-I believe it is important to turn into other people’s feeling, because that’s the only better way to understand the other people. By doing this it’s clearly shows this, how much he care about me?
I like your idea about number 1
For 2nd answer, that’s true we start judging another person. If we put ourself in their place we can understand his/her decision.
Talha, I think you’re right that the best way to understand others is to consider their emotions and motivations.
1.when a person see something or say something it all work on their brain,it also control the whole body,so if a person feel something it send messages to the person brain.
2.when a person say put your self in their shoes,by that they mean see and feel the way they do.
3.if a person talk with facts and can prove they’re right with things they feel and see.i think it’s important to give them back up.upsides are you feel as smart as others,downsides are,if the person is wrong,you’re in same trouble as him/her.
I like your 1st reply. That our mind can think what other gonna feel. So only mind is able to control feelings
For no 2 I agree with you, because we have to get know other people, and see how he think about us
Emon, these are all good points! Be sure to follow the directions listed above when you reply to your classmates, though, so that I can give you credit for your responses! (This one is good, though.)
1.Our brain is being used for many functions like thinking, feeling ..etc. Emotion is one of the main work for our brain , i’ve seen a movie ( i couldn’t think of the movie’s title) about a person has no emotion after got damage to one’s brain.
2.when you say put yourself in another person’s shoes, that means if you are not in the situation that another person has now, you can never feel the same way as one’s does. I think that phrase is all about the sympathizing with others.
3.I believe it’s really important to sympathize with other people’s feeling “only if you can”. Because if you try to sympathize to their feeling when you can’t , i think it can bring you a reverse effect. But it’s great to turn into other people’s feeling if you can to understand better how they feel.
Simon, you’re right that sometimes people have trouble having or processing emotions and that it’s an issue with their brain. Just like any other organ, our brain can sometimes be damaged and need treatment or we may need to adjust our lives to accommodate an irregularity.
And… Ms.Fox .. there is a typo !
question number 3. it says tun into , it should be turn into.
It actually should say “tune,” but good catch!
1. I think our emotions are functioning through the nervous system. And nervous system is a part of our brain. Automatically brain can control our emotions and behavior.
2. “Put yourself in another person’s shoes” means that not just care about your own thought. Also we have to think we are the person that facing the problem, and how he/she is going to deal with.
3. I do think it is important to “tun into other people’s feelings, because you also have to care what others are thinking. We do not always care about ourselves. It’s important to understanding how others feel and be sure to help each other if they need. The upside is it can help you with people’s relationship. The downside might be hurting yourself since you are looking from their angle, and you might feel something bad and cause you problem.
Good night and see you all tomorrow.
Phil, you make a great point that it is important to care about others, especially if we want to help them or build a relationship with them.
1.The brain is the organ of emotions it gives birth to joy, sadness, fear or anger.
2. This expression in my opinion mean to act at someone else place, for instance, sometimes there are people who surpass their authority or who try to do the work of others.
3.It’s not always easy to tun into somebody else feelings, but when it’s possible it’s the best way sometimes to understand people feelings; that will allow you to better to act according to how they feel. I don’t see any inconvenient by turning into somebody else feeling.
This isn’t the name I have on my roster, and you didn’t introduce yourself, so I don’t know who to give points to! Let me know in class tomorrow.
1. Everyone knows human’s brain is complex. Emotion will make brain changing,and influence people’s feeling and thinking.
2.“Put yourself in another person’s shoes.” means when you don’t understanding other people’s action or thought, you can through their position to think about them.
3. I think it is important to tun into other people’s feeling. Because when you try to know someone action or thought, change your position to him. You will become him to thought.
I like your second reply. Because if we put ourself in another person’s place we can understand his/her actions and decisions.
Jason, I think you’re right that you can put yourself in another person’s position (usually figuratively, but sometimes literally) to better understand them.
1.-The brain is the computer that manages all systems of human body. Feelings and emotions are functions that our brain can control.
2.-In my point view it means that you can feeling the good or the bad the a person that you appreciate and consider.
3.-Sure,because it reinforces the true feelings towards that person.
Hi, Blozo. Blozo isn’t your name and you didn’t respond to the Introductions post telling me who you are, so I’m afraid I can’t give you credit for this assignment. Tell me who you are in class on Thursday so I can record your participation!
1-What does our brain have to do with emotions?
well base on my point of view our brain is like the processor on a computer, its the one who make all the operations that our body makes. breath, send message to our organs and many others things our brain do it automatically without even we know is passing. so for that reason I think that our brain have something to to with our mind.
2-What does it mean to “put yourself in another person’s shoes”?
For me its mean that is better if we see other people problems before judge them, because we don’t know what they just passed trough or what are they passing trough .
3-Do you believe it is important to “tun into” other people’s feelings? What are the upsides of this? What are the downsides?
I think that every people have they own world on their minds, however sometimes can be good and sometimes no. we can give then advice to someone and they can use it wisely, or not is their decision all depends on the person. for my the main problem is that people don’t like to be wrong so maybe that is a reason why sometimes they don’t listen anyone.
1.Brain is one of the most complicated organ in human body. Its mind job is to receive, analyze and reply information. Emotions are the ways that response of the massage the brain want to express.
2.That means to use other people’s point to view to think about their problem, it may different when you think about it.
3.yes, it is important. It can help you to understand other people and much easier to make friend. Although when you in a situation it may make you lose the ability of independent judgment.
For your 3rd answer, I thought if we take all decisions by ourself then there is a chance to prove ourself wrong. But if there is a Friend or relative who can suggest us then you confidence level is at the top.
1)What does our brain have to do with emotions?
One of the important part of our brain that deal with emotion, like fear and love are carried out by the limbic system. However, while limbic system made up of multiple parts in the brain, the center of emotional processing is the amygdala. In addition,the limbic system is responsible for processing and controlling our emotions in the human brain.
2) What does it mean to “put yourself in another person’s shoes”?
From my perspective “Put yourself in another person’s shoes” mean that a person are dominated by someone else or try to understand other people feeling and point view in some circumstances . For example, at work some time people are controlling by their boss . So whatever the boss giving instruction people have to follow that therefore it shows that to put shoes by their motivation and inspiration into someone else’s idea to bring a good outcome in job.
3) Do you believe it is important to “tun into” other people’s feelings? What are the upsides of this? What are the downsides?
I believe it is important to tune into other people’s feelings because we are human being so if we care and get involve with other people bad situation. Like this way, the upside of this result will be that in another moment you will get around some people help. In addition, downsides of that if a person are not go along in life maybe the consequence will be that not gonna anyone else souring you to support.
I like your 3rd answer. Because to help another is the biggest humanity what we need in current time.
1. Basically, brain is a main part, who control and conduct all process of body. Emotions makes u feel and feeling has two types : sad or good. Brain control your feelings and give a consolation, whenever you feel bad. In happiness, brain teaches u that always be down to earth.
2. ‘Put myself in another person’s shoes’ means if u are in condition what another person has, what you do?What is your state of mind at that time? It’s like to feel what another person is feeling, and put yourself in his/her place.
3. Yes, I believe to tune with people. Everyone needs a support, which is from family or friends. So if we tuned then there is a lots of people who can understand us and we can understand them. Tuning is good, but everything has certain limits. If you are tuned that doesn’t mean you can interfere in another person’s life anytime.
The answer for number 1 is a strong scientific answer. No doubt is remarkably true
Our brain can control all the action of our baby include our emotions.
It’s mean that do not use own position to consider other people, sometimes we should exchange position with other people and consider them from their condition.
Yes, I think it’s important because we through notice other people’s feeling to get them help and avoid some embarrassing situation like the brawl.
the answer order is 1 2 3
1. The brain have to do with emotions is to control and respond it.
2. The “put yourself in another person’s shoes” means
you want to know other people thought and to understand it.
3. I think it is important to “tune into” other people’s feelings, because you can better understand that people’s feeling and others will more comfortable.