Wednesday, September 30th – Homework

After reading Unit 3: Chapter 1 of Urban Reader for College Writers, answer both of the following questions as a comment on this post:

According to the report “In order to achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gasses, we must change the assumptions we have abut food, agriculture, and nutrition.”  What are some of our assumptions about these topics? What problems do these assumptions cause? How do you think we should change them, and why?

Be as detailed and as opinionated as you like. You may speak about a personal experience, or just discuss the idea in general.

You must post a comment answering this question by 11:59pm on the night of Sunday, October 4th, and you must reply* to at least one post by a classmate before class on Wednesday. You may feel free to post as many times and as much as you like beyond the minimum requirement. Remember, this counts as class participation and a homework grade. Have fun with it!

*Note: Replies must be well thought out and complete sentences. Saying “I agree” is not enough. With what do you agree (or respectfully disagree)? Why? Do you have suggestions, additions? Be thorough.

Your vocabulary homework is also due on Wednesday. Choose 5 words from the Zoom in on Vocabulary section at the end of this chapter and follow the guide in the documents section of the blog.

23 responses to “Wednesday, September 30th – Homework

  1. Some assumptions about food would be how many calories or how much fat they have. Nutrition is a necessity for health and should be kept in check when food is varied. The agricultural part about the study of food is that within each country they are to study what can be either good or bad in food. These assumptions would cause a problem with whether or not food can harm your health. There is a set of food guidelines that will help people know the way of healthy eating. It brings people to follow them for health purposes. I think a way of changing the assumptions would have to get people to check products that they buy to know if certain foods are good or bad for them. Also, to identify the specific food policies that have objectives in environments in certain climates.

  2. Some assumptions that we have about the food is how the farmers grow products for sale, how the products are distributed, the nutrition, everything that is relationated with that. The problems that the assumptions causes is the farmers are polluting the environment just to satisfy the assumptions that has the consumers, a study in London demonstrated that only the company’s food are producing about 19 millions of tons of CO2, but this data is only in London, this emission of CO2 can be huge can be huge if we count every country in the world.In addition I think that the company’s food can produce food but more friendly with the environment if we change our assumptions about the food , we should do now this because the world is so contaminated, we can see this in the glaciers, since every year they are getting smaller, and some of them are already melted .

    • i agree with you that the assumptions cause farmers to pollute the environment for satisfaction of consumers and that some things do need to change, but I can’t quite comprehend how the world really is contaminated that you are referring to.

  3. some assumptions about the food is where they came from? for example, I bought some fruits from supermarket, but I don’t have any ideas that these fruit are organic product or farm chemical.this will cause people ate fruit with out pare. and absorb chemical things into our body. even thought I knew some of fruits will stick with a four-digit number represent it’s was organic or not, for example, stick with number 4xxx on fruit, means just some chemical and 9xxx means a lot of chemical things when this fruit growing.

    • I understand chemical things are bad for health, but some food can’t grow without chemical things. Nowadays, we don’t have a good antidote to solve this problem. So I always remove the peel when I eat apple. On the other hand, when you go to the supermarket, you can see some of the products have written by “organic”. I always see this sign on the milk box and egg box when I buy food in the market ,but I am not sure all the organic food have the sign.

  4. Some assumptions about the food New Yorkers have access to come from the way it is produced and distributed. Pollution is a massive problem farmers and industries are causing because they are not only contaminating or enviorment, but also the food that eventually we are going to consume. This is definitely tempting our health in a passive manner because it is something impossible to notice at first sight. I believe that this issue it more complicated to fix than what it looks like because making consumers aware of the products they are consuming will probably help only to a part of the population. However, regulations by governments are the most likely ways for this problem to be solved. It is time to start thinking in people’s health first rather than company wealth.

  5. Some assumptions about food would be knowing the truth of our food where does it grow or where do they make it like the environment that surrounds it and to know about the food if it is “claimed” to be fresh and organic and healthy and etc. These assumptions would cause a problem as well ! i wouldn’t be surprise if they start adding cameras in every factory, farm, or wherever they bring us our food to make sure we are eating right and healthy.

  6. Some assumptions that we have about food we buy at the supermarkets, green houses are how they were harvested. As we can see on the market and we see the food display , most of them have huge sizes and honestly i am scared of it because to get bigger sizes famers have to put some chemicals on them and due to this chemical it can affect our health. in the long- term this can cause financial difficulties due to potential health care needs. For instance, the chemicals they use to make our food could cause illnesses later on in life that could require pro-long health care need. I think we should change by going back to the natural way of growing crops and this will eliminate the chemicals on our food. Thus, enabling us to eat more natural food that our bodies are used to.

  7. Most assumptions about the food is where the food came from.were did the person get their fruits and vegetables.some people think that there food is fresh.we don’t know what kind of chemicals that are in the fruits and vegetables. these are massive problems with consumers because they want fresh products. they don’t want there fruits and vegetables with chemicals in them. if there is people could get sick and that’s not good. i think to fix this that we should know where our food comes from. we should know what farm they come from. i think they should also have inspection to see if there anything that’s going on

    • I agree with to what you are saying we should know where does our food come from and is it really “fresh” like they say who knows whats in the food they are giving to us, they can say a lot of stuff but it could not be true.

  8. Some assumption about foods are some of them are exported from different countries while some of them are manufactured in our country. This shows that we can only control the one the we are making but we can limit the other food. We all know that these days food that were eating are full of what they called poison( we don’t know what they put or injected there such as for fruits).I recommend for getting a food from local fresh vegetable/fruit market to ensure that we are eating the right food and also to avoid having some problems to ourselves. We choose to have food that are manufactured manually and not to a factory that produces CO2 to make this food. Lets be green!

  9. The people assumption about the food would be,how much calories are there ,is real food flavors are used or artifical flavor. where did it came from.if the food is organic and fresh . The farmer try to grow food faster and by using harmful chemical. we dont know if that food is grown with chemical or all natural way. These assumption can cause major health problem in our life. The one way they can change them is by have a better federal farm bill policy and food inception for quality of the food. These changes would make a person health better. The better they eat better they stay healthy.

  10. Some assumptions about the foods are, when we buy food at the supermarket are full with chemical, and they are very cheaps which make people want to buy them, in the other hand the organic foods are expensive and but they are healthy, unlike the supermarkets food. Some way I think things can change is by growing only organic food and to also make the them less expensive

  11. Some of the assumptions about how to produce food and sell it. These assumptions cause pollution. For example ,I saw the news said that many cities don’t grow food on their own land. Therefore , these cities need to bring in food from abroad or another city that produce food. In transit , it can pollute the environment because people may use cars or trucks or airplanes to distribute food and these transportations can make carbon footprint to increase . And it’s bad for health when the carbon footprint is increasing. I think every city can try to produce indigenous food in the own land. And then, food doesn’t need to be sent from one place to another place and become more food can be planted, less carbon will be produced.

    • i don’t agree with your solution to problem. the trading food market is one of the biggest source of nation economic growth. it bring profit to them. The trading of goods help the nation to have a stronger relation between nation.

  12. some assumption about the foods would be if this food that we buy is safe for us because the farmers are using chemicals to make foods faster then its normal time due to large demand and rapid use and to keep up with the large demand they use theses chemicals which are extremely dangerous for our health and can cause a lot of problems. One way that can change this is government not allowing farmers to use these chemicals and to to come up with a better solution then rather using these chemicals

  13. The assumptions in my family is that, the cheaper banana has chemical and antibiotics and its what causes some disease in our life but the organic banana is meant for the richer family. Or the meat produce, the meat is believed to have antibiotics and hormone and is cheaper for the poor or low income family, but produce at whole foods and other organic foods are more expensive. And what these assumptions cause is for example, my mother stopped beef and she only eats chicken and fish. she stopped eating bread and cheese. and that cause problems for the business

    • But the chicken is still not healthy, and I do get the fact that organic food are expensive but, if we all stop eating those unhealthy foods like your family did, I think that would be a good idea. Because they are not going to waste time making food that they know people won’t buy, so they will have no other options than to put less chemical and other things that are not good for people’s health.

  14. Some assumptions about food would be how many calories or how much fat they have. Nutrition is a necessity for health and should be kept in check when eating different types of food. The agricultural part about the study of food is that within each country they are to study what can be either good or bad in food. These assumptions would cause a problem with whether or not food can be harmful to the body’ health. There is a set of food guidelines that will help people know the way of healthy eating. It brings people to follow them for health purposes. I think a way of changing the assumptions would have to get people to check products before they buy the foods are good or bad for them. Also, to identify the specific food policies that have objectives in environments in change of climates.

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