September 16 – U1: Ch2 Homework

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After reading Unit 1: Chapter 2 of Urban Reader for College Writers, answer either one (not both!) of the following questions as a comment on this post:

The CIRCLE reports that “80% of students in the study were encouraged in the classes they took to form their own opinions regarding [politics or government].” What is the benefit of students being able to form their own opinions regarding political issues?


What might be some disadvantages of all students in the United States taking the same civics course? Explain and illustrate the potential disadvantages.

Be as detailed and as opinionated as you like. You may speak about a personal experience, or just discuss the idea in general.

You must post a comment answering this question by 5pm on Saturday, September 19th, and you must reply* to at least one post by a classmate before class on Monday. You may feel free to post as many times and as much as you like beyond the minimum requirement. Remember, this counts as class participation and a homework grade. Have fun with it!

*Note: Replies must be well thought out and complete sentences. Saying “I agree” is not enough. With what do you agree (or respectfully disagree)? Why? Do you have suggestions, additions? Be thorough.

Your vocabulary homework is also due on Monday. Choose 5 words from the Zoom in on Vocabulary section at the end of this chapter and follow the guide in the documents section of the blog.

Dont forget the CATW essay on “Decline and Fall of Teaching History” is also due on Monday. I suggest turning everything off and setting a timer for 90 minutes. Write this essay in 90 minutes, see how far you get, and then finish it up after the 90 minutes has passed if necessary. Time management is a huge part of the CATW test, and being aware of how long it takes you to write is a good first step in improving your time management.

The CATW writing directions are in the document section of the blog if you need to reference them. They are also on various worksheets you’ve been given.

30 responses to “September 16 – U1: Ch2 Homework

  1. I think the benefit of students being able to form their own opinions on politics is a great step for knowledge to be given from person to person. I believe it is a good way for them to speak their minds on the topic of politics in the classroom and their decision about how to deal with it. This leaves the students gathering civic knowledge and gaining better communication skills that will be used more in discussions of current issues and improve their thinking skills in the classroom. The CIRCLE promotes civic education to get students interested on political or government events. Furthermore, the chapter states, ” Research suggests that classroom instruction in civic topics likely produces long term benefits.” I think that civics gives more knowledge to students who feels encouraged to learn about politics and government.

    • It is great to have their opinion about politics. By this way we can see or know how their thoughts to what is going on in our country and society. I agree that students were encouraged to have civics classes to prepare them for the future and also to alert them of what should and should not do for a better country.

    • i agree with you because people have to talk one on one. its also good for them because they get to see what opinions other people have. it also makes the person learn more about the government and civics in a whole

  2. i think its a great thing that students can form there own opinions. one of the benefits is that there knowing what there are talking about when they talk to someone else about the topic. . they could also chose who they want to vote for with having this knowledge. the students could also talk better to others when there talking about politics.

    • I completely agree with you because the we should not be ignorants when talks about civics since this is an important topic on our lives, also I think the students can be more prepared when talks about a topic which they are studying. We can see how the politics issues are getting bigger in this country because the “new generation” or the youths of right now are not studying about Civics.

    • I agree with Zack.Like you said”one of the benefits is that there knowing what there are talking about when they talk to someone else about the topic” , I think it’s an important benefit because it can help country to develop if students can know what politicians are talking about or is true or not when students are regarding political issues. Otherwise, it is dangerous to vote a person who is students don’t know and don’t understand what he said.

  3. I agree that the students or any other young adults to write their own political or government opinions. It gives more ideas how we think and create my decision of life . Each individuals has a good way to speak of their on minds of the topic of politics in the classroom and their decision whether or not how to deal with it. Study shown is that “…Suggests that classroom instruction in civic topics likely produces long term benefits.” Another thing is that about giving students speak to their own mind and making them feel encouraged to learn about how we govern the world and its politics.

  4. What is the benefit of students being able to form their own opinions regarding political issues?

    The benefit is students will learning more about policy of government, so that our students able to give opinion to government, ours ideas might effect the policy,benefit to us. also when we understand more about civics, voting to a right mayor or president will also benefit to us.

    • I totally agree with you because you have to know about a topic in order to give an opinion. and if we learn about civics at a young age we would be able to change the way the country is run and have a better government.

  5. The Benefit of students being able to form there own opinion about political issues is great because now more and more students will be more active and more outspoken about it and this can actually improved the students critical thinking and the fact that the students have a chance too speak whats on there mind and have a saying is important.

  6. As is said in the article, some of the benefits of students being able to form their opinions regarding political issues are: improving critical thinking and communication skills. Also, in my view, one big advantage of getting the young generation involved is creating the habit of reading or watching the news to keep up with politics and government. Thus, they can learn that as our teacher said politics and government are not only for lawyers and politicians but also, for all American citizens.

    • i agree with you Sophia. Getting the younger generation involved by reading or watching the news about government and politics. This will show that it is for all american citizens and not just for politicians and lawyers.

    • i agree on what your saying “students being able to form their opinions regarding political issues are: improving critical thinking and communication skills.” this is true when a student or anyone gives an opinion they are improving everything on there thinking and importantly there communication skills. It is important for the kids in this generation to prepare themselves for whats coming in the future for them.

    • I like what you stated based on the benefits, I didn’t see it that way and that’s true. Communication akill are very important

  7. Well, I think the benefits of getting people involved and being capable to develop their own opinions about political issues help us to build great new young people with fascinating new fresh thoughts. In fact, this is the path to improve their communication skills, their critical thinking, being able to speak about these topics in classes and/or conferences. In addition, getting their own thoughts about political issues helps having constitutional knowledge as how to vote, duties and rights, etc; moreover, having an own opinion and sharing it is a privilege in the U.S. because in other countries like China people get oppressed. The artist Ai Wei Wei, for example, was imprisoned by the Chinese government for critisizing the Chinese police. Therefore, it is good to raise one’s voice.

    • I see your point David, and also Americans Ancestor fought for their rights when they didn’t have any, but now Americans do have them, they not taking advantage and enjoy the big privilege they have, While other country are in serious need of those privileges .

  8. I think that the benefits of get people involved in politics issues is that new people will think more when they will have to vote, which is a big deal because not everybody really knows who is the best choice to vote as president, may be they just vote because the candidate’s good charisma. In fact, as its say in the reading this is good because its improve critical thinking and communication skills, and also its helps if they wants to speak with their friends about politics, therefore this way they don’t going to be ignorant in this topic.

    • I feel like most of the time the reason kids are not having educated conversation because they know what’s going on, they don’t watch news or read article about politics because they don’t care, they are not being educated in school about those ideas.

  9. That would be wonderful if all students could do that, A lot of things would have change in America for example people vote they don’t even know for they are voting, or the benefit and the disadvantage of not voting, When people don’t vote it’s like hey saying ” here I give my right away” Which is something we fought for in the past, But when people know they right and learn about politics it help the country a lot, In the decision we are making and to choose good leader. It might be hard for the adults to learn about civics now, but I think they should definitely provide civics for kids now so the next generation can appreciate and value their rights.

    • i completely agree with Derby because a lot of people in america don’t even know their rights and some people dont even care about voting which does effects all of us for not voting. I also think they should provide civics for kids

  10. well, i think it would be a great idea of students be able to form their own opinion regarding political issues. It will make students interested in politics and it will make them feel that they have voice in a society and also their opinion might bring some changes.And the more active people we have about politics, the more people will vote and it will change the government formation.

  11. It he benefit of students creating their own opinion based on government issues is a way of creatin a foundation for them and getting them involved in politics and letting them have concerns about how their country is being ran

  12. The benefit of students being able to form their own opinions regarding political issues is a good way to practice students own ideas because they have lots of situations that need to show their views when they graduate from college and go to work. Another benefit can let students know what’s going on in society and then can vote which person they want.

  13. The benefit of students have thier own opinion on on politics or something else would be very helpful, because thier opinion might makes some changes. Also if they believe they did a good change they will start to get more interested im politics and wanting to know more about it

  14. some disadvantage of people not learning about civics in school would be that they wont know about the government, they wont be able to vote the right way. they will just vote for which ever candidate they feel is the best but wont know exactly if the candidate would be doing the right thing for the country. I think that civics should be taught in school because it will help the country in choosing the right person to be incharge of the government and in that way the right decisions will be made to benefit the people in the country.

  15. This effort is important, especially for people in undeserved communities because they provide fresh produce to people that have no place to obtain fresh produce. It’s also important because it includes so many benefits and provisions for everyone. The undeserved communities can see where their products come from and can be blessed to see the produce growing.

  16. Feom my opinion, the benefit of students being able to form their own opinions regarding political issues are people can decided which part of the good for them and which part is not. Also they will have a better understanding of how this country work., and help them to make the right decision.

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