September 10 – U1: Ch1 Homework

After reading Unit 1: Chapter 1 of Urban Reader for College Writers, answer the following question as a comment on this post:

Do you support the call for more civics in the classroom?

If yes, how do you propose we add it to the curriculum, keeping in mind the important classes students are already taking and the eight-hour school day?

If no, why not? Why not? What suggestions do you have to maintain a civics-educated population without school instruction? How do you suggest educating our population about civics without classroom instruction? Explain.

Be as detailed and as opinionated as you like. You may speak about a personal experience, or just discuss the idea in general.

You must post a comment answering this question by noon on Sunday, September 13th, and you must reply* to at least one post by a classmate before class on Wednesday. You may feel free to post as many times and as much as you like beyond the minimum requirement. Remember, this counts as class participation and a homework grade. Have fun with it!

*Note: Replies must be well thought out and complete sentences. Saying “I agree” is not enough. With what do you agree (or respectfully disagree)? Why? Do you have suggestions, additions? Be thorough.

Additionally, don’t forget that your vocabulary homework is also due on Wednesday.

35 responses to “September 10 – U1: Ch1 Homework

  1. I do support the call for more civics in the Classroom I think we add a 30 minutes lesson in the history class. For example the First half of the class should straight history then the second half should be civics I say in history class because student then could take a break form learning past history then shift to learn our goverment. Arafath Islam

    • I agree that to add civics in classrooms to add 30 minutes Arafath, although, i disagree with the idea of straight having history first and civics second. I believe that both can be intertwined as history does mention things that civics class teaches. A class does not have to stop a lesson and then start a new one afterwards.

    • I agree with arafath response, we have the first 20 minutes or 30 minutes of history then the rest about “civics”. But maybe instead of cutting a class and splitting it in half why not maybe adding extra 1 hour of school or maybe just 30 minutes of school time instead of breaking a class I’m half.

      • i kinda disagree with the Marc, i think adding an extra hour of school will stress out the student and student may loose interest in their studies which will overall effects their grades. And i also think that civics is also important so we should trim the classes times and add civics in it.

        • I agree with you, adding extra hours will make school day longer, but if adding it to class time, also it will effect students to learn more their major required class. so that adding a civics class to some of major would be a good idea,

    • I agreed with your idea, they also can set up another high school regent exam, students must pass is to graduated from high school. This is really a good way to let every one study and understand about the civics.

    • I agree with you to add civics in history class, and I also think civics is one part of history. Your idea is great because students don’t need to worry about they have to spend more time to take an extra class and school don’t need to rearrange the schedule.

  2. I support the fact that we should have civics in our class schedule , knowing we already have a full schedule in school and go to school for 8 hours we can try and fit in civics . It’s not necessary to take out a class but if we have too then yeah I suggest taking out foreign language class like (Spanish,French, Chinese).

    • Even though I agree with you Marc about having civics classes, I do not believe taking foreign language classes out would be helpful because it provides students many benefits. And it also could get the school education behind because most schools offer language classes.

      • I do think that’s a good idea, because most of time kids take the foreign language they don’t learn nothing because they don’t take it serious, and it’s not like you going to learn another language in the short amount of time they give them in school, I strongly agree with you Marc foreign language Is not really needed.

    • I agree and at the same time disagree, foreign language is more important in our life than civics, communication comes first before civilization because if we cant communicate then we cant be civilized

  3. I strongly support the idea of having more civics in the classroom in order to educate young citizens, however I do not believe the best idea is by adding an extra hour of class daily or weekly. I suggest taking no less than 15 minutes of history class and dedicate it to civics. Another option could be the way I learned about civics, on my senior year of high school I took contemporary history class which mostly taught us about recent events in Venezuelan history, our duties as citizens and how government was working at that moment.

    • I support having civics as a class but however i believe civics should be taught in the senior year of high school. I believe in senior year is the way to go because you will be prepare to vote and u will have a better understanding of what every presidential, senator,mayor candidates are talking about. We can fit a Civics class by having extended day. Civics can be taught once or twice a week. it does not have to be a everyday class. An extra 45 minutes twice a week would be really helpful on students. I believe schools are not teaching Civics because schools are more focused on having students having a good career path.

      • I’m agree with you Lebron. The senior year is the perfect moment to start refreshing students minds about civics of U.S. Because they are one step to vote so it help them a lot. I think if there are two or more classes of History in schools one of them could be used to teach Civics. Everybody happy and no one angry.

    • I agree with Sophia because yes learning civics is important but I think we should add and extra 20 to add to the 15 minutes, her option is an another alternative to learning about civics and history.

  4. I support the idea of having civics in the classroom to educate the young generation of citizens, although, it is unnecessary to add more time for class in a weekly basis. For instance, other classes can shorten the time on there schedule, such as, gym class that I believe is unnecessary. There are classes that are around 40 minutes long and it can be possible for some to lose about 10 minutes of class giving about 30 minutes as a minimum in the schedules to fit in civics. Civics can also be an option for class as an elective in schools.

    • I agree with you to have classes of civics in the schedule. However, I think that it’s necessary to keep the 40 minutes long of gym class on the schedule since this country is suffering by too much people that overweight therefore we can make shorten that class, but we could make shorten other classes

  5. I do support the call of civics in classroom since I think that we spend time learning about other countries Instead, to learn more about our country and how the government works, for example we can make shorter the time on the schedule of Globe History, and spend a little more time in civics, also this way the people that around the government won’t only layers or economist, there can be person who are scientific or engineers, since they will know about the government.

  6. I really think it’s important to add a civics class. Some people don’t think it’s interesting and necessary; however, sometimes someone even don’t know who is the president of his/her country when foreign people ask. So people need to take a civics class. Everyday morning , people take a 20 minute class it’s enough because everyday improve a little bit and then people can improve a lot after a month. And another reason is not easy to let people feel boring . Because of the 20 minute civics class, I suggest that school can make each class that people need to take be 2 or 3 minutes shorter. And then every class has 2 or 3 minutes free time, we can use these free time make up a new class that can teach civics in 20 minutes .

  7. I think we should we should have civics in our class rooms. civics should be implemented in our government and and U.S history classes. also there should be a choice wither you can take a civics class as a extra curricular class.

    • I agree with Zack for example in High school it should be required to get some amount of credit for civics in able to pass like they do with US history or Global. you also should be able to get that credit even if you choose it as a extra curricular.

  8. I’m totally agree having Civics in classes. There is a very important subject to teach in schools because people now days don’t have knowledge about it which is sad to know. I think one good way to put this class on school schedule could be adding this topic within the last 20 minutes of history class. Thus , there is no money , no time wasted.

  9. I think one way to help students, to learn about civics could be to cut some classes, for example if you have a class 5 days a week, they can make it 4 or 3 days a week and that day can be use for civics. It can also be you have one extra period 2 times a week some school do it, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

  10. I think by adding civic class will help us and the other generation to have knowledge of what rights do we have and how are we going to use it in the right way. In addition having knowledge about our rights and duties will help our country to improve because having knowledge to choose the right person that will be the leader in this country or the people who are in the government will result the outcome of success of this country. If we are going to add this class, they must reduce classes by at least 10 minute each therefore students don’t need to stay another extra hours in the school to have this know their rights and how they can change the word/ country.

  11. Civic is a class i was forced to take while in school, back in nigeria and am i happy about it? No! I belive each person should be able to decide if they want it or not. i learned more about the goverment while working for the goverment than i did while learning civics. I belive its up tot he child to decide and yes it should be returned back to the school.

  12. i like the idea of having civics in schools but i think we should not take out other courses just because of civics. I know civics is really important it helps to understand how government works but i think other courses are also just important as civics, but i think we should shorten the classes time and add civics in it

  13. I support the call for more civics in the classroom, the civics can help us learn more history about the US. SO in our full day schedule, we can choice in history classes, everyday first 15 min to learn civics, the rest of the time we can learn the history.

  14. i like the idea of civics cause really helpful to the society and like everyone said i also agree with them cause is good idea to help the society and help people understand how the government work. if people are smart about the government then our society would be much better so we should start teaching kids and elder about of government so everyone can make the right decision.

  15. I agreed with more civics in the classroom, because it will help all the students to understand how this country works and it will also effect their judgement of how to vote and how to using their own right.
    Learning and understanding the civics will also help the whole country getting better because everyone knows what they got and what are they doing.

    • I agree with your response for the civics in the classroom, then we can know more right and obligation for the civics and to understand this country’s system then to enjoy it. If we know more information about the civics, then we can more better to help the united.

  16. I agree with the idea of civics in school, because it will help the student to understand the government system.The students can make their country government system better by correcting the defaults in the system and build a stronger nation,with powerful economic and great society. The future generation need to have the knowledge of the past nation history and current nation situation so they can have their best future. The school needs to make civics as a requirement to graduate

  17. I disagree with adding more civics in the classroom, students might feel bored and loss passion in their class. so that adding a civics class to some of major would be a good idea, also, if make civics as a weekly extra point homework, for me, I will learning civics for extra credit.

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