Monday, August 31st – Welcome!

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    • Your name (and nickname, if you would prefer to be called by one)
    • What type of writing you like best (such as expository essay writing, fiction, narrative, etc.)
    • What you find most difficult about writing
    • Which topic is most interesting to you:
      • Civics, Community, Being “Green”, Health, Responsibility, Sociology

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18 responses to “Monday, August 31st – Welcome!

  1. Raman krishan, the writing I like the most is fiction writing. The most difficult I face in writing is lack of ideas. the topic that interest me most is the responsibility out of all the 6 topic.

  2. Jose Calderon
    The type of writing I like best is the Fiction, I think the most difficult about writing is the orthography and the spelling, and the most interesting topic for my is health since you cauldron have everything but if you don’t have health like nothing.

  3. I am Sophia, I like creative and fiction writing. I mostly struggle with thesis statements, conclusions, punctuation and analysis essays. Being “Green” and Civics are the topics that interest me the most.

  4. Cary, The type of writing I like the best is Narrative. I am getting hard time arranging my writing structure and I will say that is the hardest about writing. The topic that interest me the most are Health and Civics.

  5. My name is Arafath Islam
    The type of writing I like is Fiction
    The transitions
    The topic I find interesting is Civics

  6. My name is Marc, the writing i like the most is fiction, i think the most difficult part of writing for me is punctuation and thesis statements, the topic that most interest me more is health, responsibility.

  7. Xinning Wang (Pandora)
    The type of writing I like best is real life.
    I find most difficult about writing is vocabulary .
    Health is the most interesting topic to me.

  8. 1. My name is Zakareia, Nickname (Zack)
    2. The writing that i like the best is fictional writing
    3. The most difficult thing about writing for me is when to close a paragraph and when to start a new one
    4. the topic that is interesting to me is civics

  9. My name Is Brandon Lebron. I do not have a nickname. I like to writhe essay and also like to write fiction. I find my grammer the most difficult in writing and also my sentences. My sentences sometimes cant be cleared. I am really interested in health topics. Its good to read about whats going on in this world.

  10. Joseph Lozada i preffer be called David.
    I like fiction.
    I’m still having trouble with tenses.
    I think Civics is a good topic to study in class.

  11. My name is Derby Petion, the types of writing I like are fictions, and essays. The thing I find difficult about writing is to find big words to put in my essays. The topi that I like to read about are civics, community and responsibility.

  12. Thanks for all the comments, guys! I really enjoyed learning about you. I will try to find topics that interest you this semester as best I can.

  13. Hi my name is Erick and When writing essays I have trouble with punctuation and grammar. The civics topic we are learning in class is very interesting, and my favorite subject is math because its very complex.

  14. Hi, My name is Hamim Hasnat my nick name is sam. i like fiction writing, the most difficult thing about writing is how use proper vocabulary in correct place. the topic that interest me is the civics.

  15. Hi, My name is Muhammad Atif . The type of writing i like is fiction. And i really struggle with the vocabulary and grammar. And the topic i like is civics

  16. My nick name is “Tim” and I like fictional but i like writing autobiography of my self of course, and i dont have a problem with writing. I just rather be inspired.

  17. My name is Leon Liu
    I am kind of like the essay writing
    The most difficult about writing i found is grammar
    The most interesting to me is Civics, Community

  18. My name is Kai Lin
    I guess fiction essay writing is best for me, the most difficult about writing i found is tense
    The most interesting to me is health

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