Saving Imagination

When we think about the works of art around us, we don’t really always appreciate what we see.  The most amazing pieces of art in the world were started by an idea of a person of some lifetime and usually this persons ideas aren’t “preserved” or saved.  The beginning brainstorming ideas are just as important as the final project or maybe even more important.  When I think of some of the greatest artist that I have seen in my lifetime,  i can’t keep out people like J.K Rowling (author),  Santiago Calatrava Valls (architect) and even Eminem (rapper).  These people without much argument can be seen as very iconic people of the 21st century.  Rowling definitely is not Shakespeare, but can very well be considered “The 21st Century Shakespeare”.  Her creation of the Harry Potter books have been a worldwide sensation for as long I can remember.  While her works might not equal maybe Hamlet, or King Leer,  we can sort of say it does.  Being a worldwide sensation is not an easy task to accomplish.  For me if I want someone in the future to know about 21st century writing I will direct them to the Harry Potter books.  All of her ideas on how to write and what is writing a good book should be stored away for future generations to see.  What do you think writing would be like if we still had Shakespeare’s “blueprints” of his writings? Same goes for the other two artists I have listed.  People like Santiago Calatrava Valls, and Eminem are in my opinion the best at what they do.  Being on top of your game should allow you to be an icon in the century you live in.  Calatrava is a concrete architect genius.  The same could be said for Eminem.  He is a rapping genius  When future generations want to see evidence and preservation of the greatest artists of my time I want them to see  these three people.  “A memory should be remembered because the remembering of this memory is unforgettable.”  (Jeffrey)

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One Response to Saving Imagination

  1. Miguel says:

    I agree when you said “For me if I want someone in the future to know about 21st century writing I will direct them to the Harry Potter books.”, because it is interesting how you went was as far as the future to explain moreas to why J.K.Rowling’s book series should be saved.

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