Assignment Two: Instructions

A set of instructions for a task such as using the web to register for courses, writing an evaluation portfolio, or operating a machine. No recipes!

This assignment will be completed in stages.  

You will begin by finding an example on the Internet to help familiarize you with the idea of instructions.  You will analyze your example according to what you have learned about instructions.

Afterwards, you will write a PLANNING EMAIL to me due in Week 12 Blackboard Dropbox by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 14. Again, this planning email do two things: 1). It will discuss the instructional manual you had to review during the week and give me your evaluation of it; 2). It will give your initial thoughts about how you plan to go about completing your manual, whether that means doing more research to come up with a topic (which could include consulting with friends and family on a specific topic), or even trying out a specific topic to see if you can actually explain it to an audience.  You can also use the deadlines in the course schedule for completed work as a guideline for when you can expect to have certain things completed regarding the assignment.  Make sure you tell me your specific topic in this email!

You will also watch youtube videos and a PowerPoint of how to create instructions as well as read a chapter on instructions and visuals. 

You will begin to think about your audience.  Who is the audience for your instructions?  What’s their level of education?  What’s their skill level?  What kind of experience do they have?  What’s their knowledge base? Who’s the kind of person who would use these instructions? Gender? Race? Socioeconomic level?  These are some of the questions you will have to consider when you analyze your audience. An Audience Analysis is due by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 21 in Week 13 Blackboard Dropbox. For more information about the Audience Analysis, click here.

You will work on sections of your instructions and, eventually, write a progress report and perform a usability test.  But for now, concentrate on the actual instructions.

The instructional manual will be due after completion of the usability testing on 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 15. Check your manual against this checklist before submitting.