Assignment One: Job Application Materials

Job Application Materials: Your job application materials will consist of the following elements: Research into the nature of the job market, using such sources as book, article, websites, campus resources, and interviews; Customizable cover letter in which you emphasize a strong fit between your qualifications and the reader’s needs; Customizable professional resume which presents your qualifications in a concise, positive, and persuasive way; A profile of the ideal candidate; Analysis of your qualifications; A recommendation from a class peer.

This assignment will be completed in stages.

The first part requires you to read chapters in our textbook to understand resumes and cover letters and business communications, and to view the PowerPoint on resumes.  You will then write a planning email (using the textbook format for email correspondence ) to write a planning email for the job application assignment.  

PLANNING EMAIL is due in Week 2 Blackboard Dropbox by 11:59 p.m., Thursday, September 2.

You will find a job advertisement that you will use to create your resume and cover letter, which is due in Week 3 Blackboard Dropbox by Sunday, September 12 by 11:59 p.m.

Then you will take a look at the advertisement and consider who is the ideal candidate.  Who do you think is the ultimate target of the position?  What kinds of skills or experiences do they have?  What level of education?  Who would ultimately be a good candidate for the position?  Describe this person.  This is the Ideal Candidate Analysis.

Then, analyze your qualifications.  What skills or experiences do you have (or lack)?  What level of education do you have that is beneficial (or not) for the position?  What strengths or weaknesses do you have regarding the position?  Or what could you bring to the job that another candidate would not? Take a good hard look at your skills.  This is the Analysis of Your Qualifications.

This is due AS ONE DOCUMENT in Week 7 Blackboard Dropbox by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, October 10.

Your JOB APPLICATION PACKET IS DUE in Week 8 Blackboard Dropbox by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, October 17.

Lastly, I will send you a peer’s application materials on to complete the recommendation letter. Recommendation letter due in Week 9 Blackboard Dropbox by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, October 24.

This is the process for completing this assignment.