Contact Info

Name: Professor Sampson

Email address:

Virtual Office Hours: Th 6:00 -9:20 pm

Online class meeting information: (must put)


Course Communication

Throughout the semester, you will be receiving a class email from me at least once a week, if not more. On rare occasions, your CUNY email may filter out emails accidentally marked as spam, be sure to add to your contacts to avoid missing any important information in regards to class (move your cursor over my name in the corner of this email, then click “Add to contacts” on the right of the pop-up). Just in case, I will also be uploading these announcements to our course site under the “Weekly Announcements” tab.

These emails will contain things such as:

❏ Course Schedule Updates

❏ Updated Assignments Due Dates

❏ Reminders

❏ Updates on Grades and Feedback

Despite our meeting asynchronously, I am still available for virtual office hours where we can meet via video chat to discuss your work. My office hours are listed at the top under “Virtual Office Hours”.

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