This class has introduced me to a lot of new things that I did not know about photography. In the beginning, it was difficult and sort of challenging, but as time went on I began to understand and like the course more. When I first signed up for this class, I thought it was going to be more focused on the after production of photography, like editing and retouching photos from off the camera in Adobe Photoshop, hence “Digital” Photography
Three important things that I learned from this course were the use of c0mposition and lighting to make an effective photograph. I learned that those two components were key to a great picture. I learned how to work a camera more efficiently, and I learned all the different settings on the camera and how they helped make a photograph.
This course will help me in the future and my career, because now I can incorporate photography into my Graphic Designing.
I think what could have improved this course was to include how to edit photographs more, and more of the computer based aspect of Digital Photography, but overall I enjoyed this class.