Day2 of Trainee

What did you learn?

Do not change the draft (or idea for the project) that the client already confirmed.


How is it going to help you?

If I really have the new ideas for the project, I could do the draft first and send it to the client, but do not throw away the draft that the client already said yes.


What do you want to learn?

Illustrator (drawing skills).


How was it working in group?

Different person has different point of view about the project so that it helps to make development of the project.


Did you get to know your partner?

Most of them are good at illustration, and have the fancy and awesome ideas.

Day1 of Trainee

What did you learn?

File naming. It is helpful to catalog the design projects, it makes more systematically.

Intro email to client. It is important and useful to learn an official and polite way to contact the client at the first time.


How is it going to help you?

It helps me become professional when I have a conversation with my client.


What do you want to learn?

More skills from Photoshop and Illustrator.


How was it working in group?

Working together is helping us get more ideas, it is good.


Did you get to know your partner?

Yes. Savonne is really good at illustration.

Internship training day 1

1)What did you learn?

I learned the basics of the design team trainee manual. We practiced file naming, replicating designs and establishing client relationships.

2)How is it going to help you?

It is going to help me as I proceed with this training and with my own work doing commissions.

3)What do you want to learn?

I want to learn how contracts and payments work with clients.

4)How was it working in a group?

It was nice to work in a group. Though we did not do much group work I was able to help out my colleague with a missing file so she could complete her assignment.

5)Did you get to know your partner?

I spoke to my partner briefly.

Day 1 of Training

Today is my first day of Training. Our trainer Anmol and Lu gave us a comprehensive presentation of how the training will be like during the two weeks. After the introduction we did one hour imitation of one poster which the trainer assigned for is. The goal for duplicate the poster is to prove the mistakes in the poster and figure out the fonts and colors. After we finished it Lu and Anmol gave us feedback of our work. Also they told us how to find the same fonts in the Adobe Acrobat. When we came back from one hour lunch break we are assigned to design a poster for the City Tech Writer Volume 15th. The trainers gave us 45 minutes to develop some drafts also practice writing an email for the clients. Around three fifteen Lu and Anmol started to check our works and gave us some constructive feedbacks about our posters which I think is really helpful.

I think it is critical to take the training before we actually start our internship. Through the training we can get familiar with the working process. I want to learn how to quickly develop an idea and get my work done in a short period of time. Today I haven’t got a chance to work with Antonin but we had some conversation based on the thing we’re not clear. I believe we will work more closely next time.