Training Day 1- Ashley Valera- January 9, 2016

What did you learn today?

Today I learned more about our main audience and how to cater our posters to them. I also learned about making sure to keep the main copy just as important as any graphic elements while seeing if the elements are necessary. As well as looking out for small details.

What were your challenges?

Some challenges I had was placements of text and elements and where they went in relation to each other. Also had a challenge with time, being unable to complete a draft of my final concept, but I did have an idea of where I wanted to take it as I started.

How did you help each other?

We helped each other by explaining the reasoning behind why we liked some elements of the different designs. We went into what was or wasn’t working and how to improve on those things. We thought about what points out to use first and whether it worked with the hierarchy we went with.

3 thoughts on “Training Day 1- Ashley Valera- January 9, 2016

  1. Hi Ashley,

    It’s great to know that you learned and was able to understand the importance that is placed on content just as much as the design. We always want to make sure the information we are putting into our work is not only correct but with the use of design, appealing to the audience. Time can always be a challenge to all of us, my advice do your best to maximize your time. If you find yourself really stuck on something try a different approach. In the Adobe programs there’s never one way to do a task, find the most efficient way that works for you. Giving and getting feedback is important and I’m glad you were open to receive and give thoughts on what worked and could be improved. As part of a team we are always looking to improve each other. Great first day!

  2. Ashley,
    I am glad to see you paying attention to detail and reading the copy, So important! I enjoyed seeing your use of hierarchy and using the copy in the poster to bring out a visual concept describing the workshop. Working with copy is a tough job because as designers we have to think about what the reader would want to read first. I believe its something we all can get better in with a lot of practice and pushing ourself to take challenges. Thank you for such a great first day!

  3. Ashley,
    I appreciate that you are part of the team. Day 1, by all accounts–yours and your trainers–was productive. That is a win-win. Looking forward to reading your reflections and how you feel about your progress over the next few days.

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