Nov. 19: U.S. Green Jobs Surveys and Greening NYC

1. Please read for Wed. Nov.19

Green Jobs Survey_US Green Bldg Council (Pages 1 -11)

2. New York City Green Jobs Survey newyorkcity_green jobs survey_NYSDOL

3. Powerpooint – Labor market and green jobs Week 11_labor market and green jobs

4. Building for the Next Big Storm

5. The Big U

Group discussion/assignment questions – Nov. 19 Group project_Building for the Next Big Storm_11-19-14

This will be counted as an extra credit assignment; if you already completed, then the extra credit has been applied. If you wish this to be counted as an extra credit assignment, then please complete by Dec. 3.

Reminder – assigned reading for Wed. Oct.15

Please read the attached article, “Sustainable development and tourism destination management: A case study of the Lillemammer region, Norway,” and come prepared to discuss the questions that follow in class on Oct. 15.Sustainable Development Lillehammer

1. What are some of the benefits (positive impacts) that tourism can provide to communities?

2. What are some of the costs (negative impacts) of tourism?

3. How can the good impacts be maximized and the bad minimized so that the local community benefits more from tourism?

4. How can the local community participate more in tourism development?