Final Professional Portfolios

These are the two portfolio types that you can choose from for your final professional portfolio project: an OpenLab/Wordpress-based portfolio website OR a Google Doc with a sharable link.

Your portfolio should contain 10 examples of your writing and multimodal compositions (meaning: videos, podcasts, storyboards, posters, etc.). Each of your examples should be paired with a 1-page, double-spaced (~250 words) reflection that describes the rhetorical context of the document (why you made it, who is its audience, and what is its purpose), your workflow to create it (including tools, feedback, and revision), and if appropriate, a discussion about how that deliverable fits into your overall professional persona (e.g., if you are interested in working for non-profits, you should show examples that demonstrate that interest and note how each deliverable relates to that professional goal).

Next week, I’ll demonstrate the basics of creating your portfolio using OpenLab and Google Docs. In the meantime, you should select your 10 deliverables to include in your portfolio and begin writing a reflection for each.

Also, you can begin looking at examples of portfolios for inspiration and ideas.

I showed you this sample portfolio using Google Docs and this is my professional teaching portfolio that I built on OpenLab.

These are ePortfolios of PTW alumni on OpenLab:

If you use OpenLab, there is a lot of help information available that you will need to rely on as you build your ePortfolio using WordPress.

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