Each week I will post a blog prompt and you will complete a blog post that responds to this prompt. This should be an opportunity for you to reflect on the themes and concepts that you found interesting and/or challenging in the week’s reading and to discuss those thoughts with your classmates. Each post must be 250 words, minimum, and it should fully and thoughtfully respond to the prompt. Each week, you also must respectfully and thoughtfully respond to at least two other blog posts.

To post your blog:

Make sure you are logged in to OpenLab and have joined our course

Then click on the + at the top center of the page

Use your name as the post title

If you want to include an image or file, use the “add media” button

When you are done writing your post in the box, choose the appropriate category on the right side of the screen. You should give your posts the category corresponding to the assignment (Blog 1, Blog 2, etc.)

Then click “publish.”