Week 12

This brain and books sculpture is on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio. It can serve as a reminder to PTW students that reading is imperative for developing one’s brain, gaining knowledge, and preparing for the intellectual rigors of a life in writing and communicating.

  • Beginning of Class Writing Assignment
  • Perform Peer Review on Technical Definition
  • Introduce final deliverable: User Testing Report
    • More LEGO!
    • Time Yourself (Baseline)
    • Time and Question at least 2 users
  • Save readings discussion for next meeting after Thanksgiving (mega discussion of Week 11, 12, and 13!). We will talk about Final Portfolio then, too.
  • Review syllabus about next week’s readings and work

Resource: Job Search Advice

I might have mentioned this in the past, but I wanted to remind you about the Job Search Advice site that I created for City Tech students.

And, looking ahead, the PTW Internship Coordinator will work with students on their job materials before applying to internships and then further develop those materials during the classroom component (2 hours per week) of the internship.