Esmelin Lopez, John Arnold Made a Fortune at Enron. Now He’s Declared War on Bad Science Summary

In the article, “John Arnold Made a Fortune at Enron. Now He’s Declared War on Bad Science” by Sam Apple, talk about how many scientists that don’t get the work publish end up just locking up away not to be look at again. Where there are work of body by other scientist that have been publish with unreliable data in the work which no one can recreate the same effects. This is where John Arnold step in the article as a man the love reliable data and doesn’t trust anything  that can’t be proven. Arnold not a scientists himself started to fund scientists that weren’t taken serious by their peers for trying to see if the work of other scientists that the public taken seriously and following what they’re saying is it really reliable or unreliable. John Arnold Foundation funded scientists that can prove that data in well known research held up. As listening to a scientist believing their work to be true but they can’t replicate the experiment more than one time can lead to complications for person that have try it for example, trying to clear acne. Reasons for that can lead scientist of releasing unreliable research is the incentives to produce positive result were so great. To fix this the John Arnold Foundation are giving incentives in the form of badges for papers that met specific  criteria for sharing.

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