Spring Break

While in spring break, I tried to get most of the work done. Either for other classes or this one. At the same, I had to deal with the tax return and other stuff alike. Funny enough, during my spring break, I had many online project due so it wasn’t exactly a school free break. Furthermore, while trying to write the instructional manual, I found it difficult to write because I needed to break down the information in a understandable way. At some point, the essay didn’t look like a English essay instead, it looked like a manual for a technical service.

Back to School

I have already emailed my instructional manual assignment to the professor, so aside from it not being as perfect as I’d like it to be, I met the deadline! I am concerned about other courses I am currently taking, namely my Linux class where I have several assignments to make up, and I barely know how to code, nor do I like to code very much. I am concerned that I have to present in Technical Writing in a couple of weeks, I will have to present a scholarly article to the class, and I am not the best at speeches. I tend to “Ummmm…” a lot. But I will hopefully find an interesting article to talk about, so I can share with the group, and practice getting over my fear of public speaking. I am also concerned that our group doesn’t have a topic yet!!! I guess I shouldn’t be sharing that, but it is a concern of mine, and I don’t expect anyone to read this.

Jose Guerrero Coming Back From Break

Hello everyone,

During the break, I mostly caught up on work and made up some hours I had taken off for school. I was also able to catch up on some sleep that I had been missing. I celebrated easter with my family and now it’s back to school again. With about a month left in the semester, it is going to get very busy again. I hope I can get right back into it and get everything done that needs to get done. I know there will be a lot of work to do for school and I will have to put the time in to get everything done. Hopefully all goes well and this month will be over and it will be another semester over with.


Jose Guerrero

Spring Break

My spring break was OK. I went to Philadelphia an d spent most of my time lounging around. My friend got a new puppy so I spent a lot of time puppy sitting while I was there. Didn’t get to spend as much time studying as I wanted because my girlfriend thought I came there to be an errand guy. Overall it was good, I also got to see my friend from Brooklyn who moved out there. He recently became a cop so I went to see him on the street, since it wasn’t that far from where I was.

Post Spring Break

Wow !!  I can’t believe spring break is over. Only 4 more weeks for the semester to be over. Much of my Spring Break was spent doing homework for my other classes. While I was still working on the instruction manual for this class. Finishing the instruction manual was a difficult task for me, I redid my format to make it less boring to read.

Post Break

The week off was a productive and relaxing one. I tried to be stress-free as possible.  I went to two different interview sessions last week. On April the 10th I went to a group interview for the Cuny Service Corps. And on April 11th I also got an internship to work as a Tech Support for a DOE school.  I will be starting next week, so I’m certainly looking forward to that.

Back from break

I am not very excited to be back in school seeing as how the semester is coming to an end and all the real work starts to really kick in. My spring break was not exactly the best since I spent most of it doing hw and procrastinated on doing it so that was a waste of time. I wish I had a longer break so I could find time to actually enjoy it.

Kevin Bayolima Thoughts

Finishing the instructional manual was difficult this spring break due to their being a lot of information to break down. My major concern was jamming so much information only to 2000 words. I feel like i left a lot out of my manual however a word limit is a word limit there is not much i can do about that.

Spring Break outcomes

I would love to sit here and say that I plan on doing nothing but in REALITY, that will not be happening ever. I have a life to-do list that stretches at least four years long that due to school I have been clearly ignoring. I have been wanting a break from everything critical thinking. I need a more than just a week away from school, as as of right now I need half a year but like everyone we have a bigger goal to obtain which keeps up shackled to the progress of completing of degree. I just may end up grabbing my fun bunch and head to NC, but then again I can completely avoid packing, driving, stopping and more driving by not going anywhere. Time will tell. But to my fellow classmates enjoy your time off and hopefully we can return refreshed despite the very SHORT time away. Last thing I think spring break needs to be at least two weeks long!