Author Archives: Willy

Group Paper – Progress

I had been researching the part of my group project and things seems to be coming along pretty well. I found some good articles in the library website. Since I need to use at least 2 library reference, I will pick the ones with the most relevant information to add to the group paper. As for outside data, I will be using around 3 sources to articulate my part of the group paper. I am confident it will turn out to be a great paper.

Final Essay Group Work

Although for last class i couldn’t make it due to serious train problems, from the previous class we already decided on the topic we are going to write about. In a sense, I believe we got a strong topic to talk about as Energy has always been a central point of interest in modern society. We divided the work between us and each of us will will address a different type of energy source. For instance, I will be covering Wind Power. I will be addressing the strong good points and the weak bad points of Wind Energy. All in all, I feel it gonna turn out to be a great paper since 4 heads is better than one.

Readings – The Shallows

While reading The Shallows – The Tools of the Mind, i find it to be a very interesting reading. First, the writer goes from the presenting very clearly the idea of how human develop through age. From drawing scribbles with crayons to drawing complex maps and so on. It is interesting the connection the author uses when depicting that in history, adult humans also did scribbles to draw maps either on rocks or the ground. Does this mean, in the contemporary society children are already doing what adults used to do in the past?

Spring Break

While in spring break, I tried to get most of the work done. Either for other classes or this one. At the same, I had to deal with the tax return and other stuff alike. Funny enough, during my spring break, I had many online project due so it wasn’t exactly a school free break. Furthermore, while trying to write the instructional manual, I found it difficult to write because I needed to break down the information in a understandable way. At some point, the essay didn’t look like a English essay instead, it looked like a manual for a technical service.

Instructional Manual Progress v2

So far I got the idea what my instructional manual is going to be. First, I decided to write about a traditional Chinese dish. However, upon going over on how to prepare the dish and write the manual, i realized that it might come a little bit short. Hence, I decided to change the topic to a topic in what I major. I will be giving an instructional manual on how to create either for gaming, functionality or educational application. It might be a little boring since it is very technical. However, I will try to put some life to it by using pictures and other resources.

Instructional Manual Progress

So far, I have the basic idea of how to write the paper. But I am still debating if I should really write a instructional paper about a cooking a certain dish. My major issue is that the paper is quite lengthy for a instructional manual so I need to work around it. On the other hand, for the annotation, by doing so, I realize it is much easier to organize my thoughts and get the main ideas on point. In addition, it helps me to get straight to the purpose of the article being read.

Thoughts on “Checklist”

While reading the Checklist, what caught my attention is how medicine have evolved throughout the human history. Nowadays, Many serious injuries and diseases can be treaty as compared to older times. Also, the Checklist highlights the importance of doing things through a step to step fashion and why medical procedures are done in very specific way. As a matter of fact, in this article, it is evident that following through a specific list, it can lead to save life. On the other hand, if things are not followed correctly, it can lead to a tragedy.

Instructional Manual – Choosing a Topic

As the new assignment is coming soon, I took some time to think about what kind of instructional manual I want to write about. From my time spent, I looked at many topics ranging from sports to technology. Ultimately, I feel more compelled to write about food.  Hence, my paper will most likely be to write about food since I believe it is a good topic for an instructional manual.

How to Bathe Yourself

As dirty as you might be, taking a good shower always will make you feel clean and sparkling. There are a couple of steps to follow in order to bathe yourself adequately.

First, get yourself to the bathroom and remove the dirty clothes.
Second, get into the bathtub. Warning, before entering the bathtub make sure you lock the door so nobody could spy on you.
Third, open the faucet and let the water run. You can choose either hot or cold water.
Forth, get yourself plentifully wet making sure the water had run down in every inch of your body.
Fifth, reach out to the soap and applies to your dirty body.
Sixth, get out of the shower and dry yourself. Congratulations, now you are clean.

Project 2 – Thoughts

While doing the project 2, I spent a great deal of time searching the library database for articles that actually had anything to do with the definition of the term I was working with. After many hours of reading and sorting through the piles of Peer Review Journals in the library database, I came across some articles that were very useful. As a matter of fact, the articles are indeed rich in information and clarification. However, it is not very user-friendly as the search result will just is not very defined. Another point which had me confused was the point 3. Where it says examples where the term is used in different context. I was not sure I had to write an entire paragraph about where the term appeared in those articles or it mean to just be diffused between the other paragraphs.