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End of the semester

Final assignments for all my classes are accumulating as we approach the end of the semester. A little stressed out but excited to for the summer and some free time. Today I’m a little tired, because i just got back from West Haven, CT  from visiting my mother for the weekend and spend Mother’s day with her.

The almost done week

Today is Monday and this semester is almost done, just one more week after this one. I am doing a lot of studying, projects, presentations, and tests before finals, so these last two weeks are very busy. I am also trying to do a group presentation with three other classmates. The presentation is going very slow and I’m supposed to do the conclusion of the presentation. That means I have to wait for the other classmates to finish so I can do my part.

Group Work

Actually I am still working on the group work. For some reason, this period is much more busy than usually. And I found some material for my part of the group work. Also I am preparing doing the presentation part.

Update on Group Work

Well, we’ve come upon our last week, and I have to admit, I am looking forward to the end of the semester. The group work seems to be happening in piecemeal-everyone is working on their own piece, until they’re done, and then we’ll fuse them all together. At least that’s how I imagine it will be. Our group seems to have two factions–that’s because us three have been sitting together in the back all semester, and they share another class together as well. The other two sit together, and talk to each other. It hasn’t changed even when we have invited them over to discuss the project. Did I mention that I dislike Group Work?

Group progress

This group project seems to be going well. The task was perfectly divided. My part is almost done. I just need to have more reasons why the solutions I am offering will solve or have a big impact on the topic. Overall everything is going well in my group.

Project progress

The work is moving along well. I am in the process of writing out my half of the work right now. I haven’t had too much of an issue with getting the information formatted. I plan on doing my slides for the group slideshow on google in the next couple of days.

Group Research Assignment

For my portion of the group research assignment, i’m beginning to wrap things up. I’ll probably be done with it within the next few days. Initially, i thought I was going to have some issues with structuring my writing to match my other group members portion of writing but so far so good.

Group work

So far everyone is working on their parts. I got all my sources that`s needed and starting writing my part out. If any of the group work have any questions they just email us. Other than that everyone is doing their part.


Group Work Update

The group work as far as I can see is going well. Everyone is cooperating with one another and are working hard in trying to get everything done. From the little group assignments we have done before, I can tell we work great as a team as we completed those assignments completely in sync. So far everyone has just about finished researched and is moving on to the paper. I finished my part yesterday because I need to start focusing on my finals.