May 3rd

About the group project  seems that everything is going well. About everything else is getting to that time of the semester when is overwhelming many research project and finals are around the corner. I hope I would be able to accomplish all my assignments and get ready for finals.

Last Night

Last night I worked then I went home. I didn’t do much when I got home besides review for the 3 tests that I have today. I’m OK with the material in 2 out of the 3 . I guess the interesting thing is I  got my new cell phone. My last one got beat to hell and I don’t change my phone often. It took a little while for me to set up everything just like it was on my old phone.

Group Paper – Progress

I had been researching the part of my group project and things seems to be coming along pretty well. I found some good articles in the library website. Since I need to use at least 2 library reference, I will pick the ones with the most relevant information to add to the group paper. As for outside data, I will be using around 3 sources to articulate my part of the group paper. I am confident it will turn out to be a great paper.

Jose Guerrero Late to class

Dear class,

Today i was late to class. I should have gotten here early but as I was looking for parking a firetruck pulled into an intersection and I was stuck on the street. I was not sure what to do, the only way I saw out of there was on the sidewalk and I did not think it would be a good idea to drive on the sidewalk. I am disappointed  that I missed the presentation because the discussion sounded interesting from the door but I am glad i made it to some of the class because I wanted to have a chance to talk to my group.


Jose Guerrero

About Group Work

My teammates and I are working on the group work now. Unlike it in programming class, the group work in writing class is much more difficult. From choosing the topic to prepare the presentation, a lot of work there need to do. For our group, we just decided the topic. That was the first step.

All over the place

right now my mins is all over the place that I can’t seem to settle in one thing to discuss. I have erased this mini mindful discussion at least five times, would be six but he just gave the all proverbial statement ” Ok guys just a few more minutes and finish up” which mean this wont be deleted and it will be posted. But yes I am thinking about too many things right now … to be continued.

100 interaction challenge

Every month I set a personal goal for myself and this month I wanted to disconnect from technology. My goal is very simple interact with 100 strangers before this month ends. In my attempt to accomplish this goal I noticed I often judge an individual before approaching them. I try to guess what topic they’ll most likely want to talk about or if they’re friendly or not. Doing this challenge has been an eye opener because I learned my judgement of people are very inaccurate. I also noticed some questions can offer up an interesting conversation like “are you happy in life?”

daily log

April 26, 2017
Daily log
Today is presentation day. There’s supposed to be a two student’s presentation day today but, because one of them dropped the class it’s going to be one presentation. This day is always a fun day because you don’t know what are you going to learn about through their papers. Almost all the previous topics were very interesting, and even though you don’t expect to learn a lot from them, you actually do. So im looking forward to the next presentation.

Group Work

Like most group projects, this is one is annoying. I am the group leader and its hard to get people to respond  in a timely manner or even to respond at all to the group emails. We have finally decided on an idea. Hopefully things will get a lot easier from here.

Thoughts about the last few days

So I started an Internship yesterday at a DOE school in the Bronx. The night before I didn’t sleep well at all, I guess it was a bit of anxiety. My job is a Tech Support assistant, my job duties on the first day were to login to the computers before the students come in and start the day.  I helped organized the laptop carts and made sure their respective AC adapters were plugged in to charge. I met my supervisor,  some staff members, and the principal. So my day yesterday was a long but pretty good day.