Technical Communication Chapter 1 thoughts

1)Transitioning or changing styles for each communicational situation is similar to recalibrating mindset when entering an environment.

2) Writing in the professional job world is to tell readers what they need, not what writer knows

3) Ability to create graphics and arranging them to make communication visually appealing.

Reading on Chapter 1

The reading touched on how  a person’s writing must incorporate a certain style which can grab and persuade an audience. When a person is writing they must be presenting information to a diverse group on individuals whether it is to someone of different nationalities, fields of studies, or departments at work. Due to the need to deliver information to such different groups we must make sure our information is precise and can be clearly understood by those who are not as knowledgeable as your are.

Kevin Bayolima Chapter One Thoughts

After reading chapter one i found the information very reader oriented. The topic of the communication being useful and persuasive resonates with me. With usefulness we must consider the readers background whether they have the same field you are in or multiple different fields. However in school i am used to making documents that are meant for my teacher and assuming they know the information already. As for persuasiveness characteristics of the reader comes into play. Many factors of the readers are important such as social , political views. It may be more difficult to persuade one mind set then another so organizing the communication to be persuasive to multiple mind sets seems challenging.

Communication, Your Career, and This Book

While reading chapter 1, I think for me the important points are that we need to be able to convey our thoughts and ideas to other people through writing. If we cannot convey what we want to other people to know then it will be useless. In addition, another point would be that the writing we do in college is very different from the writing style used at the workplace. Furthermore, it is important to to discern and understand to what kind of reader you will be writing to since it will help to reach them and in the end making them able to understand your ideas and thoughts.

Expanded Definition Process

In the past weekend, I did some preparation work about the expanded definition of technical term “hotspot”. I supposed to found more materials from college library database or internet. But I found it’s really difficult to choose useful article from so many articles. And I will continue with writing the 1st draft tonight.

The experience of writing about the Expanded Definition of a Technical or Scientific Term.


The experience of writing about the Expanded Definition of a Technical or Scientific Term.


My biggest problem with this assignment was finding the “perfect” term. It was a problem because there was so much to choose from, so I had to think a lot about to what to choose.

So at the end, I ended up choosing the term “privacy”. I am confident I will find articles about this topic, so it’ll be easier to write about it. The article is due next week so hopefully I will make it on time.

Jose Guerrero Expanded Definition

Dear class,

My expanded definition ifs tougher than expected. The main thing I am struggling with is the scholarly articles. It is difficult to find sources that are interesting. There are a lot of articles with good information but the difficulty is to find the information that will be relevant for the reader.

Jose Guerrero