Assignment #2 observation


Assignment #2 observation


The assignment number two was about the Expanded Definition of Scientific Term. I chose to do the term “Privacy”. I chose this term because was easy to find scholarly articles about it and because it relates a lot to my degree, which is Computer Systems. As always, scholarly articles are more difficult to find compare to regular ones like the ones from news agencies. But, overall it was a good experience because I learn a lot about the term privacy, the etymology of it, the different ways it is was used and the way it is used today, especially in technology.

Expanded definition Project Feedback

This assignment is coming is going good so far. Definitely having the learning outcomes sheet, helped a lot to clarify what were the expectations from the assignment. I had a difficult start but once I passed over the first two paragraphs it become more clear how to approach the target of the assignment and focus on the definition of the term.

Thoughts on Assignment 2

I believe the summary of the assignment was helpful, because it detailed what was expected of us, and it was clear what was needed to complete the assignment. I thought my topic was great because I love technology, and I am always eager to learn more about the history of gadgets.

Expanded definition

I found it to be a little more difficult than I originally thought. The word I chose didn’t leave a lot of wiggle room. The compare and contrast was really difficult because it was technological term. All sources were really straight forward when speaking about it and there weren’t as many differences.

Expanded Definition Feedback

Writing this assignment was more difficult than the first. The first assignment was a generalization of one long peer reviewed article so that one had a good flow to it. The hardest thing about it was keeping the work in the assigned amount of words. With the expanded definition it was a little more difficult to get started because of trying to keep the central theme of the word I chose and not what it means. I would think maybe it has more to do with the word I chose instead of the paper itself. Once I looked over the outline and started writing with these specific goals in mind then the paper started to piece itself together but prior to that I was a little concerned that I would not meet the word count requirement. The other major concern I had was keeping he focus of the word and not the meaning, connotations and examples of it in focus. I basically wanted to explain what the word was instead of stating its meaning, etymology and how it was used in the past vs in the present.

Jose Guerrero, Expanded Definition

Hello everyone,

Doing the expanded definition was somewhat of a rough start for me. I always have a difficult time looking through the articles from the school’s database. Apart from looking for the article, I couldn’t wrap my head around writing such a long definition of a word, how much could I say? After writing out the different parts of the assignment and putting it together I found that it began to make more sense to me and it was not as ridiculous as I had originally thought it to be. There is normally one definition of a word but so many applications and different contexts that it can be used. I would like to think that I learned something about the word Wi-Fi and i hope that I was informative for the reader.

Jose Guerrero

Project 2 – Thoughts

While doing the project 2, I spent a great deal of time searching the library database for articles that actually had anything to do with the definition of the term I was working with. After many hours of reading and sorting through the piles of Peer Review Journals in the library database, I came across some articles that were very useful. As a matter of fact, the articles are indeed rich in information and clarification. However, it is not very user-friendly as the search result will just is not very defined. Another point which had me confused was the point 3. Where it says examples where the term is used in different context. I was not sure I had to write an entire paragraph about where the term appeared in those articles or it mean to just be diffused between the other paragraphs.