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How to Choke an Opponent with their shirt 

  1. Facing them, grab the inside of their collar behind their neck. With your palm facing up. Four finger on the inside and thumb on the outside.
  2. Cross your other hand over your arm and grab the back of the collar. Thumb inside and the other four fingers on the outside.
  3. Pull your opponent close to you.
  4. Place your head near the side of their head to avoid being punched.
  5. Begin to pull both hands toward you while trying to make your elbows touch.
  6. If the opponent is resisting drop your body weight to the ground to tighten the choke.

How to Bathe Yourself

As dirty as you might be, taking a good shower always will make you feel clean and sparkling. There are a couple of steps to follow in order to bathe yourself adequately.

First, get yourself to the bathroom and remove the dirty clothes.
Second, get into the bathtub. Warning, before entering the bathtub make sure you lock the door so nobody could spy on you.
Third, open the faucet and let the water run. You can choose either hot or cold water.
Forth, get yourself plentifully wet making sure the water had run down in every inch of your body.
Fifth, reach out to the soap and applies to your dirty body.
Sixth, get out of the shower and dry yourself. Congratulations, now you are clean.

Jose Guerrero, Six Step Instruction Manual

How to open a USB drive on a PC computer

  1. First, if the USB Drive has a cover make sure it is off.
  2. Next, find a USB port on your computer and plug the USB Drive into it.
  3. Now, look to the bottom right corner of your screen and see if a message appears, it may say installing driver software or device ready to use. If it says installing driver software, wait for it to finish.
  4. After the driver software is installed either you should see a pop-up screen giving you options how to view what is on the device, choose your preferred option or you will have to go to my computer and open it manually.
  5. To open it manually click on the start menu, find where it says computer, click on it, and the window should open and on the top, it will say computer.
  6. Then, find the name of your USB Drive, usually listed under devices with removable storage, double click on it and it will open to the contents of your USB Drive.

Six step instruction Manual

How to brush your Teeth.

  1. First grab your toothbrush and rinse it.
  2. Grab the toothpaste and put a drop of paste on the brushes of your toothbrush.
  3. Now start to brush your teeth, in circular motions.
  4. once you are done brushing your teeth, grab a cup fill it with some water and used it to rinse your mouth.
  5. Now rinse your tooth brush.
  6. Place everything back in place.

How to shoot a jumpshot in Basketball

Step 1 hold the ball with your dominant hand over the ball.

Step 2 place your other hand on the other side of ball as a guide.

Step 3 keep your elbows squared and straight facing the basket.

Step 4 slightly bend your knees.

Step 5 jump up with your hands holding ball slightly above your head.

Step 6 release ball when your at the peak of your jump.

Step 7 land in the same spot where you jumped from.

Kevin Bayolima Six Step Process on making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

  1.  Have the materials needed to do this ready (2 slices of bread, dull knife, peanut butter,jelly)
  2. Put two slices of bread flat on the counter
  3. open lids of containers holding the peanut butter and jelly
  4. Use the knife and insert in peanut butter then spread on one of the slices of bread
  5. Clean the knife and do step 4 but with the jelly on the other slice of bread
  6. Take the two slices of bread with jelly and peanut butter and put them together so that the jelly comes in contact with the peanut butter.