Monthly Archives: May 2017

May 3rd

About the group project  seems that everything is going well. About everything else is getting to that time of the semester when is overwhelming many research project and finals are around the corner. I hope I would be able to accomplish all my assignments and get ready for finals.

Last Night

Last night I worked then I went home. I didn’t do much when I got home besides review for the 3 tests that I have today. I’m OK with the material in 2 out of the 3 . I guess the interesting thing is I  got my new cell phone. My last one got beat to hell and I don’t change my phone often. It took a little while for me to set up everything just like it was on my old phone.

Group Paper – Progress

I had been researching the part of my group project and things seems to be coming along pretty well. I found some good articles in the library website. Since I need to use at least 2 library reference, I will pick the ones with the most relevant information to add to the group paper. As for outside data, I will be using around 3 sources to articulate my part of the group paper. I am confident it will turn out to be a great paper.