Monthly Archives: March 2017

Expanded definition

I found it to be a little more difficult than I originally thought. The word I chose didn’t leave a lot of wiggle room. The compare and contrast was really difficult because it was technological term. All sources were really straight forward when speaking about it and there weren’t as many differences.

Expanded Definition Feedback

Writing this assignment was more difficult than the first. The first assignment was a generalization of one long peer reviewed article so that one had a good flow to it. The hardest thing about it was keeping the work in the assigned amount of words. With the expanded definition it was a little more difficult to get started because of trying to keep the central theme of the word I chose and not what it means. I would think maybe it has more to do with the word I chose instead of the paper itself. Once I looked over the outline and started writing with these specific goals in mind then the paper started to piece itself together but prior to that I was a little concerned that I would not meet the word count requirement. The other major concern I had was keeping he focus of the word and not the meaning, connotations and examples of it in focus. I basically wanted to explain what the word was instead of stating its meaning, etymology and how it was used in the past vs in the present.

Jose Guerrero, Expanded Definition

Hello everyone,

Doing the expanded definition was somewhat of a rough start for me. I always have a difficult time looking through the articles from the school’s database. Apart from looking for the article, I couldn’t wrap my head around writing such a long definition of a word, how much could I say? After writing out the different parts of the assignment and putting it together I found that it began to make more sense to me and it was not as ridiculous as I had originally thought it to be. There is normally one definition of a word but so many applications and different contexts that it can be used. I would like to think that I learned something about the word Wi-Fi and i hope that I was informative for the reader.

Jose Guerrero

Project 2 – Thoughts

While doing the project 2, I spent a great deal of time searching the library database for articles that actually had anything to do with the definition of the term I was working with. After many hours of reading and sorting through the piles of Peer Review Journals in the library database, I came across some articles that were very useful. As a matter of fact, the articles are indeed rich in information and clarification. However, it is not very user-friendly as the search result will just is not very defined. Another point which had me confused was the point 3. Where it says examples where the term is used in different context. I was not sure I had to write an entire paragraph about where the term appeared in those articles or it mean to just be diffused between the other paragraphs.

Kevin Bayolima Expanded Definition Thoughts

This assignment was not as difficult as i anticipated as well as not being easy.  The term cyber bullying itself is rather interesting because it was created recently in the past two decades although its predecessor term bullying has been along a much longer period of time. I was able to find a decent amount of articles to help me make my paper. The word did branch of to the field of psychology which was helpful with context. As for the similarities and differences its predecessor term gave me a lot of information to work with.

Feedback for Expanded Definition

The expanded definition assignment is going ok so far. Although I have not completed it yet, I would say everything is in place for a smooth writing. I originally had fears that I would not know how to go about doing the assignment and how to come up with enough information for 750 words but I found enough information to do so. The instructions for the assignment was somewhat clear but not very relevant to my term so I had to play around it such as how the term is used in different fields which there is not much to write about due to it being used the same everywhere.







It’s almost the end of March and for us student it means one important event: The Midterms and it is a very stressful time for us. The main problem that lead to this stress is the amount of work that it takes to prepare for the midterms. And this is more than true for student like me that are taking four classes.  My main problem though is not the amount of work that I have to dedicate to the midterms but the time. That’s because I have to share that time, to prepare for my midterms, with my full time job that I do. In addition, it takes me more than three hours per day for commuting from home to school to work.

In conclusion, this month will be a very stressful one but not my only one I had.



Time past so fast. From next week, I will have some midterms. Actually I did not bad in some classes such as CST classes. Also I learned a lot from economy and  technical writing classes. Furthermore, I realize that I need to work harder in technical writing. Based on the book, I know that its a very good class, and it’s focus on communication. And it is very useful for students who will graduate soon.