Monthly Archives: March 2017

Something I want to say about this class

Time goes so fast. It is almost 2 months since I joined this class. Actually, I still don’t believe that I can finish some assignment. Such as 500 words summary. Because I never did so long a summary and read so long an article. Though there are some mistakes in the paper, I finished by myself. And also, I still have a lot of things to learn  in the next  half semester. I try to do better in this class.  And I think I will do my best in the last year in City Tech!

Finishing Strong !!

With this being my last semester here at City Tech, I looked at my calendar this morning a notice I only have a few months here. This semester has been a struggle for me. I’m taking 5 classes of which 4 are heavy writing based. Full time school full time job. As for my job, this is the period were most projects are being done. I’m hoping for a strong finish this semester in order to maintain my GPA.

Jose Guerrero, Write About Anything

Hey class,

I wanted to write about my commute to school. I was on my way here this morning when everything seemed to go wrong. I was driving on the BQE where there was more traffic than usually, thinking I am going to be late to class. Then, my brake fluid light turned on and I knew there was something wrong so I got off the highway to take a look. When I checked under the car it was leaking brake fluid, so now I had to find a place to buy some to hold me over to get to school so I can take care of this problem. I never thought I would make it to class at all but I made it on time. Luckily there was a parking spot as soon as I arrived in the area.

Jose Guerrero

Anything I want to write about

Planning a trip to Disney world this summer. Given the 5 years I have spent in college so far the Mrs. thought it would be a good idea to take a trip this summer since we’ve been talking about taking a trip for over a year now. Its a great idea I think I need a break but I have anxiety about traveling. 3 hour car rides make me nervous so a 5 hour plane ride is extremely stressful for me. So right now I have a list of things that need to get done. I have to rest up during spring break, prepare for finals and presentations, let out a sigh of relief and then go to Disney. I feel like over the years summer break gets shorter and shorter or maybe I just need more down time.

Brainstorming for Instruction Manual Topic

Coming up for with a topic for the instruction manual was a bigger challenge than expected. The main reason for this was that, it hard to come up with an instruction manual that isn’t out there. Based on the exercise of last class, where we had to write an instruction manual about anything, I’m thinking of using that same topic and expanding on it.

Instructional Manual – Choosing a Topic

As the new assignment is coming soon, I took some time to think about what kind of instructional manual I want to write about. From my time spent, I looked at many topics ranging from sports to technology. Ultimately, I feel more compelled to write about food.  Hence, my paper will most likely be to write about food since I believe it is a good topic for an instructional manual.

Kevin Bayolima Anything Writing

The instruction manual is in my mind but at the moment I am more preoccupied with the math test i have. I have an idea for the instruction manual but it may seem broad but seems like a instruction manual i would see. Also thinking of a another test I will probably have next week so I’m probably gonna have to read those two chapters and memorize it during the weekend. I don’t know if it was only me but i found it kind of funny when the German leader visited the white house and trump just avoided eye contact as well as not shaking her hand.Similarly he then in a press conference he felt they were in the same situation with the wire tapping accusations.

The Second Assignment

Oh Lord! So I really haven’t slept well the past three days because of this assignment, because I was fighting with myself to get this assignment done and submitted. I don’t think I did the memo correctly either, although I am familiar with writing a memo. In fact, I’d say , I enjoy writing. But there are times where, my brain freezes, and I don’t know where to begin. I took the advice I’d give my children–start at the middle or the end , but start somewhere. So I started. But it was tedious. I kept getting up to get something to eat. I had to use the bathroom. I was tired. It wasn’t the best experience I’ve had writing a paper. But it’s done. Now onto the next assignment!

School burnout

Taking 5 or 6 classes a semester is becoming a pain. The work load isn’t that bad it just the mental burnout from constantly having to be focused throughout the day. Couple that with working and I can definitely use a break right about now. Spring break is coming and I’m supposed to spend a lot of that time studying to get an IT certification. I am thinking I am going to need to spend that time to unwind a little.