Monthly Archives: March 2017

Expanded Definition Process

In the past weekend, I did some preparation work about the expanded definition of technical term “hotspot”. I supposed to found more materials from college library database or internet. But I found it’s really difficult to choose useful article from so many articles. And I will continue with writing the 1st draft tonight.

The experience of writing about the Expanded Definition of a Technical or Scientific Term.


The experience of writing about the Expanded Definition of a Technical or Scientific Term.


My biggest problem with this assignment was finding the “perfect” term. It was a problem because there was so much to choose from, so I had to think a lot about to what to choose.

So at the end, I ended up choosing the term “privacy”. I am confident I will find articles about this topic, so it’ll be easier to write about it. The article is due next week so hopefully I will make it on time.

Jose Guerrero Expanded Definition

Dear class,

My expanded definition ifs tougher than expected. The main thing I am struggling with is the scholarly articles. It is difficult to find sources that are interesting. There are a lot of articles with good information but the difficulty is to find the information that will be relevant for the reader.

Jose Guerrero

Thoughts on progress of Paper on Technical Term

As with any paper, when I first start out writing, I get stuck right at the beginning–not sure how to begin. So I try to follow my own advice–advice I tend to give to others–and just begin writing, I begin stringing a few sentences together, and continue until it makes some sense. I feel I have enough material to write this paper, so I should just sit down and write it already.

Defintion Assignment Update

As with all my research writing assignments the bulk of the worry that goes into it is the research. The researching begins with my web browser open with a dozen tabs because I want to make sure the topic I pick has the ability to be broken down and explained enough to fulfill the requirements of the paper. Nothing will drive me more insane than being stuck at 500 words and nothing to say because I have not accumulated enough peer-reviewed articles as source materials. I believe for the contemporary references it would be good to have sources from web articles so striking a good balance between peer reviewed and web articles. So right now I am gathering all the interesting and/or detailed articles that I can so that I will have a lot of reference just in case I get stuck for whatever reason will I am writing. I want to right about a modern topic such as Esports or the Internet of things but the peer reviewed works are focused on particulars and don’t really explain the topic well enough at least for me and my understanding.

Expanded Definition Progress

I have the idea in mind on what to write and how to progress through it. However, looking at the library database had been proven to me to be not an easy task. The articles found in the library database are really lengthy and sometimes confusing. Hence, I have to spend more time looking for suitable article to fit the concept of my paper. In addition, I had been looking at outside sources to gain more understanding on the topic I will be writing about.

Expanded Definition

The word I chose for my expanded definition is Firewall. So far I’ve got to my research stage of word using online library resources. I plan to go to the library to get further help. I think the librarians will be able to pull up more resources from the Cuny database then I’m getting when I just use the city tech resources. I think it will be a challenge to expand the word using 750-1000 words.

Progress on the Expanded Definition

So far I been having a little difficulty writing the compare and contrast part of the assignment. On the other hand, searching a about the origin of a technical term has been challenging since as with many other technologies is hard to pin point a specific time of origin. Also, it has been rewarding because I learned how to search and use the Library database better.