Monthly Archives: February 2017

Derick Isaac, Thoughts on Facebook live article

Good morning class,

This article was a good little read for me but nothing i didn’t already know about due to being an active Facebook user. The feature Facebook live in my opinion in not  exactly super popular but it can definitely change the world in certain aspects. i definitely agree with the activist portion of the article, how Facebook live is great for live streaming important events in society for example on 02/02/17 i seen a live post about the bodega workers closing their stores and gathering together downtown Brooklyn to protest Donald trump’s Muslim ban. Events like that are great for live streaming so people can be educated and witness things like that without being there. Its a way of seeing history!

Gabe Armstrong: My Thoughts

In the past decade or so Facebook has been at the forefront of social media, so Facebook Live being introduced to the world was no surprise. Although a little late to the Live broadcasting game as mentioned in the article they are now back on top when it comes to users interacting and experimenting with the feature.

Facebook Live

Facebook live is not a Facebook invention but what Facebook did with its live feature was something extraordinary. Because the sheer size of Facebook, which it is almost reaching two billion active users, it gave the live video technology a new dimension.

Apart from being used for fun and entertainment, as with all new inventions, Facebook live is sometimes being used for malicious intent. And because is a live streaming technology you can’t do almost nothing to prevent these malicious intents.

Facebook Live Article

The article I read regarding Facebook’s newest feature, Facebook Live, I believe, was on the mark in that not everyone who goes live stays on long enough to interact with their audience as Facebook may have intended. And the videos that have gone viral, aren’t the nicest ones. The ones that show the aftermath of police shootings, or the ones that document fights are startling.

Reaction to “Facebook Live is changing the world – but not in the way it hoped” – Willly Chong

The article is very interesting in that its highlights the ways a new technology like Facebook Live is being used. While Mark Zuckerberg main ideology for Facebook Live was to make family members and friends more connected in a way or another, it is not always the case. Facebook Live have great potential for streaming videos that could help connect friends and family. However, it seems that people are not using Facebook Live with that sole intent. Instead they live stream content that should be monitored for the adequate audience since on Facebook there are also young audience and it is not appropriate for them to watch video about killing or rape.

Facebook Live IS Changing The World Response

When I read this article and for the first time I felt out of the loop about something that is going on in the world around me through social media. After reading the article I did not really understand why there was so much buzz about live streaming something such as someones daily activities but then it hit me when I began watching later on. I believe current users of social media platforms have a habit of jumping on things as a “wave” and really blowing things up for a small amount of time until the next thing comes. Facebook Live did not really affect me directly but it stems from people like watching other people do things and that is how Twitch video game streaming became so popular and why I use it so much today.

FB Live thoughts

The post was interesting and it covered Facebooks attempt at making Facebook live into an everyday thing that users will take advantage of. The most interesting part of the article for me was when they talked about the first video to go viral. A silly video with a lady wearing a Chewbaca mask. This technology also has unintended uses like the recent videos posted of Crimes unfolding. Facebook is now faced with the problem of having to monitor what people get to  see, such as violence or anything pornographic.

Facebook live

“Facebook live is changing the world but not in the way it hoped” I personally dislike the idea of live story, because people are using it in a very necessary way. I wont use Facebook life because all it does, it brings people away. Everything through online, talking video chat, Facebook live. I also find it dangerous in a type of way because it a way to stack people. People use it to show others every step they take . People also use it to record live fights to prove the world that its real. I find this whole Facebook live thing useless.

Kevin Bayolima Article Response # 1

Facebook live was a new development for Facebook as it was entering the live stream market. In a couple of months it dominated its competitors. I found this interesting because technology can be made for one use but can be used for other purposes. In the example of Facebook live it was meant to be used as a tool for people to share live events with family members and friends or for famous people to get in touch with their fans. However it was also used as an important tool to cover tragic events such as the police shootings in mid 2016 which made people aware of police brutality. I found this interesting because technology can adapt to the environment around it as it can be intended for one thing but can also be used for other purposes.

Isaac M. All your Zombies and The sound of Thunder

My name is Isaac Montiel, when I first started reading “All your Zombies”,  I had hard time to follow what was going on. Wrapping my head around the whole concept of time travel and paradoxes, and definitely the ending was completely unexpected. How it could be possible for someone to be his/her own parent and grandparent at the same time? . Nevertheless, the overall concept of the story was completely unique, it kept me reading.

The second story “The Sound of Thunder” was very interesting, again dealing with the idea of time traveling, and the consequences it could have if one gets to alter the past. It got me thinking how much it could be true and it could ever be possible to time travel, it would be a catastrophe and the world as we know it could come to an end.

Hope everyone enjoyed both stories as much as I did.