Revision of paragraph(DarielO)

Being away from parents and responsible adults can cause stress and problems with their mental state. Students without stability from their parents can cause them to lose focus and be unstable. Being at a new place where nobody will help you unless you ask can be frightening. Also, the influence in college can cause stress and mental health problems in school. Being in school with and other students taking drugs and alcohol can influence more students to start taking drugs and alcohol. Yang, Chunjiang, Aobo Chen, and Yashuo Chen. “College Students’ Stress and Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Academic Workload, Separation from School, and Fears of Contagion.” PloS one 16.2 (2021): e0246676–e0246676. https://go-gale The article shown explains how students being away from parents in college can affect the development and productivity, and when productivity is affected so is grades and efficiency. That then leads to problems with the school which then causes students to turn to more drugs and alcohol. “The third research stream emphasized the importance of psychological separation and attachment. According to this point of view, a balanced parent-child relationship between psychological separation and parental attachment is the best choice for students’ development [37,40]. Finally, a fourth research stream focuses on attachment to a group or group members in a campus environment and suggests that this attachment may influence students’ affective and behavioral outcomes [41].” Taking students away from their parents will affect their mental health and stress rate. Not allowing them to have the stability and security that come with parents will increase the amount of stress they have. Further in the article, the author explains how COVID-19 caused people to be at home all day giving them anxiety. Then students being away from their parents in a new environment made them even more anxious.

One of the main problems that I would like to revise in this paragraph is explaining the evidence better. When explaining the paragraph, I basically just rewrote points that I have been stating throughout the entire essay instead of better explaining the point of the evidence and the message the author is trying to portray. I also believe that when I said further in the article, I could have explained that part or at least given a better summary of what the author said.

artist statement

Artist statement

When making this project I had many concerns about how I was going to make it. One of the main concerns I had was finding out if I should make an entire newspaper based on my topic or if I should just make an entire page on the topic I had. Another concern I had for this project was the genre of it. I had difficulty making this project into a different genre while keeping the same topic. The main purpose I had for choosing the newspaper was that I wanted to make it seem like I was a part of the staff or a student working for the school news department, and I was showing students experiences with stress in college and how many other students also have similar reasons for stress when in a new environment. While making the newspaper I wanted to show 2 different opinions of stress. One was a student that also deals with stress but doesn’t let it affect his life, the other was a staff member that just wanted to voice out how stress affected his life and blames all his problems on stress. The main problem I had with making 2 opposite POVs was the audience I want the paper to attract. With 2 different POVs and experiences, it causes the paper to have 2 parts. A professional one that attracted students and even had student opinions in the paper and an unprofessional one that attracted teachers or adults that also deal with stress. Now the main problem with the second POV was that this was a City Tech newspaper and not a Newspaper in the south where the audience is mainly republican and white. Even though the second point of view didn’t make the most sense I still wanted to keep it so the newspaper could have conflicting views. Another Huge problem I had with the project was that halfway into the project I wanted to change my genre and make a different topic like a cartoon where the superhero fights an alien that shoots stress bubbles to start the people attacking each other to make room for their invasion. Eventually, I decided that since I already had my topic almost done and I barely had enough time to do that finishing the newspaper would just be best. Now that my project is done, I think I did a good job. Although I would’ve liked it to be better and more thought out, I still believe it was a good newspaper.

the link to my project since i forgot to put it on blackboard


Revisions Juan Tax


Student loans debt  has a significant impact on the everyday lives of current college students including the decisions they make. According to Paul Decker, an expert on policy research  “High student debt and defaults create a burden for student borrowers, lowering credit scores and making it more difficult to buy a house or achieve financial independence” (Decker, Paul) Getting behind or defaulting on student debt can create a domino effect of consequences, starting with a hit to the individual’s credit rating. This can make it difficult to buy a car, which might be necessary for a person to get to work.  Debt is supposed to  give people the opportunity to own things that are otherwise unaffordable. Good education is one of those things. A gateway to debt Student loans may seem like a valuable resource at the initial time of investment, but later on students will come to realize that once they graduate, they’ll be subject to copious amounts of debt that they may not be able to repay within their lifetime. Students without the financial capabilities should simply be subsidized. Student loans also cripple the middle class because right as you are supposed to be starting your life, you now start it with thousands  in debt you can never escape from. As student loans became more available and the government which supplied them stood back and watched, colleges boosted tuition by enormous margins. The loans keep coming and year after year students trying to get an education keep getting swallowed by more and more debt while wages are not increasing at all. So no student loans are not good for college students as they only end up crippling your economic future in an economy of stagnated wages and no jobs. According to Hanson, Melanie, an educator and research analyst: 53% of millennials have not bought a home because student loan debt either disqualified them or made it impossible to afford a mortgage… 52% of students who had taken on student loan debt did not feel it was worth it” (Hanson, Melanie) Because of student loans many millennials are not able to afford a house and if college tuition keeps growing more students would get loans this could affect the next generation and the percentage can increase meaning that more people are not going to be able to afford a house and have what we call a normal life. Also taking loans is not worth it to many students. This could be because the degree that they earned did not get them the job or it could be that they can not pay their debt.

I choose this paragraph from my paper because I did not write it like an annotates bibliography this applies to my whole paper. To fix this paragraph I have to write it like an annotated bibliography where I need to lead each section about my sources with the source entry. Also, I realized that there is a lot of grammar mistakes which it needs to be fixed to sound more professional.