Check your Final Grades!

Hi everyone,

I have your final grades on blackboard but they have not been officially posted yet!

Some of you are still missing work and I am going to list your names here because I am having no luck reaching you via email so I am hoping to reach some of you through the announcement board:

Missing Unit 3 New Genre:

Steven Cruz

Deshui Yao

Missing Portfolio & Reflection:

Steven Cruz

Tania Garcia

Cesar Gutierrez

Jayden Ortega

Daymondray Taylor

Deshui Yao

If you have posted anything to Openlab, I have not seen it. We ditched Openlab for submitting the last two final drafts since it has become to overfilled with work and has become nigh impossible to navigate the site. Final work for these missing assignments MUST be posted to blackboard or emailed to me directly. 

You have until the 23rd to submit these missing assignments, please get them into me ASAP.

For everyone else who has completed their work, you may now view what your final grade is going to look like before I post it to CUNYfirst by heading to blackboard and clicking on “My Grades” which is now right below the Help link on the blackboard menu for our class. 

I wish all of you a relaxing and safe winter break and holiday season!

Best wishes,

Professor LaTourette

No Zoom Thursday 12/2

Hi everyone,

I’m postponing our zoom meet until we meet next Tuesday 12/7. Instead, please post to the final portfolio discussion a one paragraph excerpt of a paper you have written this past semester that you would like to revise, including why and how you would revise it in no more than 100 words.

Consider this small assignment as an impromptu first draft of the final portfolio that is due on 12/14.

This post is due before midnight tomorrow night as if we completed it in class together.

Until we meet again next Tuesday 12/7, enjoy your weekends and please make sure you are keeping up with your work. We are almost finished with the semester and I can no longer give extensions.

Weekly Announcement Tuesday 11/23

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that we are not meeting this week via zoom. However, you should be making your final touches on your Unit 3 New Genre Assignment that is due when we return on Tuesday 11/30. The final draft of this assignment should be submitted via blackboard AND via OpenLab as a new post in the Unit 3 New Genre discussion page where we can showcase everyone’s work.

You must submit to both in order to get full credit!

Next week, will begin working on our small final assignment and present and discuss your Unit 3 work.

Hang in there, we are just about done with the semester in a few short weeks!