Student loans debt has a significant impact on the everyday lives of current college students including the decisions they make. According to Paul Decker, an expert on policy research “High student debt and defaults create a burden for student borrowers, lowering credit scores and making it more difficult to buy a house or achieve financial independence” (Decker, Paul) Getting behind or defaulting on student debt can create a domino effect of consequences, starting with a hit to the individual’s credit rating. This can make it difficult to buy a car, which might be necessary for a person to get to work. Debt is supposed to give people the opportunity to own things that are otherwise unaffordable. Good education is one of those things. A gateway to debt Student loans may seem like a valuable resource at the initial time of investment, but later on students will come to realize that once they graduate, they’ll be subject to copious amounts of debt that they may not be able to repay within their lifetime. Students without the financial capabilities should simply be subsidized. Student loans also cripple the middle class because right as you are supposed to be starting your life, you now start it with thousands in debt you can never escape from. As student loans became more available and the government which supplied them stood back and watched, colleges boosted tuition by enormous margins. The loans keep coming and year after year students trying to get an education keep getting swallowed by more and more debt while wages are not increasing at all. So no student loans are not good for college students as they only end up crippling your economic future in an economy of stagnated wages and no jobs. According to Hanson, Melanie, an educator and research analyst: “53% of millennials have not bought a home because student loan debt either disqualified them or made it impossible to afford a mortgage… 52% of students who had taken on student loan debt did not feel it was worth it” (Hanson, Melanie) Because of student loans many millennials are not able to afford a house and if college tuition keeps growing more students would get loans this could affect the next generation and the percentage can increase meaning that more people are not going to be able to afford a house and have what we call a normal life. Also taking loans is not worth it to many students. This could be because the degree that they earned did not get them the job or it could be that they can not pay their debt.
I choose this paragraph from my paper because I did not write it like an annotates bibliography this applies to my whole paper. To fix this paragraph I have to write it like an annotated bibliography where I need to lead each section about my sources with the source entry. Also, I realized that there is a lot of grammar mistakes which it needs to be fixed to sound more professional.