Crunch!” by Wizetux via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0

Week 13:

  • Dates: Thursday, 12/1-Wednesday, 12/7
  • Meeting Info:

(ENG 1101 is a course that usually meets for 100 minutes twice a week. Our course is a hybrid format: we meet in person for 100 minutes once per week, Tuesdays from 12:00-1:40pm, in Namm 517, but instead of us meeting a second time for 100 minutes each week, you will do classwork asynchronously on your own. If you prefer to work together, you are welcome to join our student support meeting time, kind of a writing lab/writing studio/study space on Zoom on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00.)

After brainstorming and talking about topics, you should now have a topic, the draft of a question you’re trying to answer through research, and a few sources to consider. This week, we’re reviewing drafts of the annotations so you can submit Project 2 by the end of the week.


To-Do This Week


  • If you haven’t done so already, please submit Projects 1, 2, and 3 each as a new post to our site, using the category Project 1 Work, Project 2 Work, or Project 3 Work, and choosing if you want your post to be public (anyone can see it) or private (only the two of us can see it). Use these instructions for writing a post on the OpenLab if you’re not sure how to.
  • Meet with me if you have questions about anything (ENG 1101 work, registration, life, college, anything!)
  • Please bring your laptop/tablet to class on Tuesday, 12/6 so we can have a writing session in our classroom.


  • Read the Final Reflection and Portfolio instructions
  • Read your work for this course to prepare for writing your Final Reflection and Portfolio.


In Class

  • Cover letter/reflection for Project 3: Composing in a New Genre
  • Review the Final Reflection and Portfolio project
  • Make a checklist of what you have to do. Freewrite about how you plan to approach your checklist.
    • do all the things
    • finish Project 3
      • part 1: creating a new text
      • part 2: genre analysis and reflection
    • finish Project 2
    • finish Project 1
      • review some of our readings to include a quotation and connect it to your education narrative
    • do some of the discussion questions to help finish Project 1/2/3
    • meet with Prof. Rosen
    • come to Thursday’s 12:00-1:00 student support hours/writing lab
  • Writing lab
  • Reminder: student support hours/writing lab and available appointments
  • Check out this site a City Tech student made to help prospective students in her field, Dental Hygiene. Is this something you would want to build for Project 3?