Working” by Ciprian Todea via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0

Week 10:

  • Dates: Thursday, 11/10-Wednesday, 11/16
  • Meeting Info:

(ENG 1101 is a course that usually meets for 100 minutes twice a week. Our course is a hybrid format: we meet in person for 100 minutes once per week, Tuesdays from 12:00-1:40pm, in Namm 517, but instead of us meeting a second time for 100 minutes each week, you will do classwork asynchronously on your own. If you prefer to work together, you are welcome to join our student support meeting time, kind of a writing lab/writing studio/study space on Zoom on Thursdays–this week, from 12:30-1:00.)

After brainstorming and talking about topics, you should now have a topic, the draft of a question you’re trying to answer through research, and a few sources to consider. This week, we’re reviewing drafts of the annotations so you can submit Project 2 by the end of the week.


  • to use a research topic and a research question to focus our research,
  • to review the requirements for Project 2 and the project details
  • to find additional sources for the annotated bibliography
  • to draft annotations, as well as an introduction and conclusion for the Reflective Annotated Bibliography
  • to catch up on any missing or late work, especially Project 1!

To-Do This Week


  • Using your research topic, research question, and keywords/search terms, find sources that you can including in your annotated bibliography. This means also evaluating your sources to make sure they are credible, current, relevant, and are in different genres (a requirement for this project specifically, not a requirement of all annotated bibliographies!)
  • Meet with me if you have questions about Project 2 (or Project 1, too!)
  • Check your mid-semester grade



In Class

  • What sources did we find? how do we evaluate them? Here’s what we said last week:
    • are they recent?
    • are they relevant?
    • are they reliable, both its information and its security?
    • is it from a known source/author?
    • can you verify the information?
    • purpose and intended audience, authority and credibility, accuracy and reliability, currency and timeliness, and objectivity or bias
  • How to write an annotation
  • What goes in our introduction?
  • What goes in our conclusion?