Week 8:
- Dates: Thursday, 10/27-Wednesday, 11/3
- Meeting Info:
(ENG 1101 is a course that usually meets for 100 minutes twice a week. Our course is a hybrid format: we meet in person for 100 minutes once per week, Tuesdays from 12:00-1:40pm, in Namm 517, but instead of us meeting a second time for 100 minutes each week, you will do classwork asynchronously on your own. If you prefer to work together, you are welcome to join our student support meeting time, kind of a writing lab/writing studio/study space on Zoom on Thursdays, 12:00-1:00.)
We were on the verge of beginning our new project last week–this week we dig in and expand our minds to embrace our curiosity and channel it into the Reflective Annotated Bibliography.
- to start the week by submitting any Project 1 work via the OpenLab (and reach out to me with questions!)
- to explore Project 2
- to develop a research topic and question
- to use our reading to motivate our brainstorming
To-Do This Week
- Catch up on anything related to Project 1!
- Submit Project 1 and related work, especially so I can review it for mid-semester grades due on Thursday, 10/27
- Watch “Writing an Annotated Bibliography” (City Tech Library).
- Watch the City Tech Library’s Guide to Developing a Research Question
- Review “Annotated Bibliography Breakdown” (Purdue OWL).
- Read about research! Skim Alison C. Witte’s “Research Starts with Answers” in Bad Ideas About Writing, pp 226-230 (that’s the page numbers within the book–the page numbers in the actual file are a little different), paying attention to 228-229. (note that the title of the book, Bad Ideas About Writing, tells us that each of the chapter titles are themselves bad ideas about writing! But the content includes great ideas about writing!)
- Join our discussion about brainstorming possible research topics.
- Backtrack to last week’s discussion about considering these readings as protest texts
In Class
- Considering our readings and topics
- Brainstorming topics
- what’s your major or potential major? or job? or career?
- what are interests you have that you want to pursue in that field?
- what are big issues in that field right now?
- what are important texts in that field?
- Developing research questions
- start with a topic and shape it into a question that helps you get into the field you want to research
- Search terms
- try doing a google search and see what you get!
- what new search terms can you find that will fine-tune your search to help you get better results?
- Finding sources
- Reflections
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