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Know you Mentor-Text

The tone of the language is for some of the topics are quite opening that might grab the audience attention some of some them are formal and informal very much uses of ethos and logos. The sources uses research from old stories that were posted back in the days or like what is happening as of today in the world even using people thoughts and opinions on certain issues or topics. They mix of outside resources and statistics. The source visual is really colorful and bold and for some of the text they are highlighted or italicized and each of the topic they are talking about correlates an image. The layout of it is really clean and well organized in its place and there is a lot of visuals you can get through and explore on. Its broken in each section so there is about 8 parts and in those parts there is a lot issues that are being explained that is related to the part that they are talking about. For this source that audience selection can be varied because of the topics that are talked there is many so can be target for people into politics, astrology, food, crimes, trends etc. I think this way because since it’s a magazine there will be many issues that are going to shared also they had something that is related to astrology which is something I am researching on so that was great to know.


The big bang theory from the surface seems to be a simple theory that would explain of a massive exlosion that jump started the universe but there are a lot of small details that could be overlooked. The big bang theory is not the only theory that explains the beginning of the universe but is the most well known and accepted to most. Some would say it would had been less of an explosion and more of a throw, some say it’s the universe moving foward rather the an expansion. One controversy today would be the explanations between of science and religion, you could say because were not able to go out and explore our selfs we can’t really say something with confident on both sides. One method I found astronomers using to find it easier would be satellite sized telescope and sending them to space.  What I found surprising the most would be astronomers constant attempts to theorize and explain the many mysteries of the universe. I would had though that with so little to no information that astonomers would slow down and lose motivation on exploring space. I feel that no matter how many dead ends astronomers end up having they would continue no matter what. The James Webb telescope would be the most inportant that I learned mainly because it would be our best bet to uncovering the beginning of the universe and finally solving the theories and mysteries. Obviously I would want astronomers to hear of this but mainly the younger curious children because this information is noting new to the one more experienced, showing the continuous work of exploration with planets, galaxies, and the universe. Hoping that this younger upcoming generation of astronomers would find it quite interesting just like the others, that they should embrace any idea and introduce it into the topic. I feel thoughout my reseach I was completely invested in all points of view and wanted to look into every branch of every theories that I could find, the only time I felt overwhelmed was when I had to choose one for a source entry. Even though there is so many mysteries like the planets and star ability to make sounds or how light travels throughout outer space but again with our technology we are not yet fully ready for what we could find out there I would say that for now we should enjoy the sites that space has to offer.


As I scoured the internet for answers on my research question ” How do films impact people to do better”, I found many answers to my research that I never knew about. As I was researching this question, I found out that films can make people better and even. These films can inspire us to do amazing things like spreading more knowledge about the deaf community like the film ” CODA” has done, also they can offer us more knowledge about this cruel world we live and how we can treat others the way we want to be treated. While researching I found surprising information on films that I didn’t know affected us. This information was how films can also have a negative impact on us in many different ways also. Some films can create violent or bad habits for some kids and that could affect these kids later down the line having these negative thoughts in their minds. It also can people very greedy and send a bad message to the public. Some films don’t portray the right message to their audience, and we don’t need that especially in the times were living in.  Films have such a large impact on us even the smallest detail and drive them to do something bad.  Throughout this whole process of researching, I’ve learned how important films are to us. These films make us all better people at the end of the day and all of that positive energy make other people happy and motivated to do more in life and inspire ourselves and others to be the best versions of themselves.  We always need something to help let go of the stress life brings upon us and films are perfect escape from the real world.  I think the audience that needs to know about this is the audience that don’t really care for movies or don’t give movies the time of day just because. I think these people are missing out on beautiful projects that film makers are creating. I know so many people that haven’t seen iconic movies like Elf, Grinch, Interstellar and they are missing out on amazing work that could change them for the better or just make their day better.  There are tons of genres in the film industry once you click with one it, you’re never going to look back. Films will always have a huge impact on us and hopefully it will continue to impact us decades down the line .

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