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Final Portfolio and Reflection


English 1101

 Unit 2 RAB revision: How do video games affect us?

When I finished my RAB, I didn’t notice the plethora of grammatical and MLA style errors in my article. When I read the comments from the professor cole, I realized that the long paragraphs of the article should be broken down. Divide it into different paragraphs based on the content, rather than one long paragraph, which can be irritating and confusing to look at.   Thus, grammatical and MLA style errors further weaken my thesis. There are a lot of careless mistakes that can be caught with better proofreading.


How do video games affect us? I am very interested in this topic. Video games, as a form of leisure, can make us feel happy and relaxed while playing games. It is one of the favorite forms of entertainment for modern young people. Therefore, it has become a symbol of modern society. We can’t ignore its existence, let alone kill video games.

I believe that in the future video games will continue to exist and remain one of the entertainment methods for young people. Some special diseases can even be treated through video games. Playing games can meet more people, and the experience of playing games together can maintain precious friendships, which is also the happiness of life. Play games to meet more people and gain valuable friendships through the experience of playing together. Or challenge some difficult levels with friends, and work together to gain a sense of accomplishment after successfully completing the challenge.

Overcook is a simple co-op game, and it’s always easier to accomplish goals when I’m working with friends. Sometimes I interfere with my friends on a whim to achieve their goals, and my friends are always littering like me. Although the ultimate goal will fail, we will also be happy. I’ve tried a lot of different video games, it’s a part of my life and I’ve seen me grow and change. Whether I play video games alone or with friends, I always have fun. It made me fall in love with video games, not like a drug addiction, but like an indispensable friend.

I want to know how playing video games affects people’s growth, the good and the bad. I wonder why video games are virtual but affect our emotions, making us feel happy, excited, angry, and cry. I would like to know how a person’s addiction to video games affects their life, and in order for this person to live a normal life, video games need to be removed from his life or some other different approach. I don’t know what new technologies will appear in video games in the future, allowing us to experience different worlds while playing, and return to the age of cold weapons to be swordsmen.

Ronaldo Tumbokon.  “25+ Positive & Negative Effects of Video Games, According to Studies” 


In the article, author Ronaldo Tumbokon discusses the pros and cons of play for child development. The author cites games like The Incredible Machine, Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, and more. This kind of puzzle game can exercise children’s problem-solving ability, and let children think about what the goal of the task is, where is the difficulty of the task, and how to complete the goal. Ronaldo Tumbokon also mentioned strategy games like SimCity, Age of Empires and Railroad Tycoon. Such games can exercise children’s planning, resource management and logistics skills. But gaming isn’t all about its benefits, Ronaldo Tumbokon said, and kids can become addicted to video games. The World Health Organization declared gaming addiction a mental health disorder in June 2018. A study by the National Institute for Media and Family Studies in Minneapolis suggests that video games can be addictive in children, and that children’s addiction to video games can increase their levels of depression and anxiety.

After reading the article, I agree with the author’s views, including the above. Everything has a good side and a bad side. I don’t agree with the idea that games are only good or only bad. Even the drug heroin was originally used as a medical anesthetic to relieve patients’ pain during surgery. Although now I don’t think it should exist.

Ronaldo Tombocon also mentioned: “When your child plays video games, his brain gets a real exercise. In many video games, the skills needed to win involve abstract and high-level thinking. These skills are even in It was never taught in school.” This sentence left a deep impression on me. I agree that games are a form of training and that rich games can also allow children to learn different things than they learn in school.
But I have another idea. I think gaming is also an art, different from film, painting and music. Addiction to gaming is a problem with gaming, even though gaming can train a child’s skills. Overtraining is bad for the body, as is gaming addiction. If the child is addicted to games, the child will try to increase the play time, and the corresponding child will reduce the spare time or even the time at school, and the child may feel bored. For a long time, children would drop out of school at home and only indulge in games.


As I researched how video games affect our conversation, I thought I could get some help by watching videos on YouTube. In the video, “How do video games affect us emotionally?” the video’s author mentions, “In many games, a fictional world is shown through the perspective of a specific character, who is designed in a way that we must somehow Related to them, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are like us, it means we get some decisions about them, they are some events in their lives.” The author of the video proposes that the avatars in the game The events and choices made do not connect the player to the character from the start, but as the player progresses to later storylines and learns more about the character, the player may experience the same events as the character. will react in the same way.

Although a game character is just a virtual character designed by the game designer, when it is emotionally connected to the player, the player is also emotionally connected to the game character’s events. This is a game character and the avatar of the player in the game world. When a character is faced with the death of a loved one, the player may have the same reaction to the same event as that character. While this isn’t what actually happened, it’s relevant to players because players may experience the same thing in their life and think about what to do in the same situation. It’s a very complex emotion because the player is immersed in the character’s mind. When the character encounters a story that needs to be faced, the player will also have the same thinking as the character and generate emotional connections, such as happiness, anger, sadness, etc.

The author of the video also mentions another simple emotional connection, in sports games and multiplayer competitive games, players need to compete with other players. When the player wins as his character in these games, the player celebrates his victory, or grieves his defeat. Just like our games in real life, there are only three outcomes, win, lose or draw. So, unlike narrative games, where players experience a story with complex reactions, all the player makes is a simple emotional connection.


What new technologies will there be in future games? Although I can’t say for sure, maybe future games will behave like the movie Ready Player One. The Ready Player One movie is based on the novel by Ernest Crane. The plot of the movie is nothing short of a gamer Wade Watts trying to prevent the game creator’s rival company LOL from gaining control of the game Oasis. Wade Watts and his companions search for three Easter eggs left by the game’s makers and gain control of “Oasis,” thwarting rival company LOL’s plans.

The difference between movies and novels is that movies show us what future worlds and games will look like. In the film, Wade Watts adventures and lives in the virtual world “Oasis” through a set of VR equipment and virtual characters he built. This shows the technology that will appear in future games, allowing people to experience different experiences in another world.

This makes me curious and excited, because playing a game like this can make one experience a different rich life. I think this is a big goal for the future of gaming, to let people experience life in another world that reality can’t experience. Through the scenes shown in the movie, I had a dream for the game and realized what the game will look like in the movie. Enable people to live in another world.

While some people may think that special effects are done in movies, such technology does not exist in real life, and it will be difficult to achieve in the future. I also don’t think the games in the movies are real, and when I watch the movies, I’m still drawn to the games in the movies and looking to a future where the games can do what the movies do now. While such a game is not possible with current technology, the film presents a blueprint for the future of gaming, giving people what they want to achieve. I think that’s also part of the charm of video games, representing people’s vision for the future.


As part of our daily lives, we often overlook the influence of games, but in fact we may have been influenced by games from a young age. As children, we may have been exposed to games through our parents, brothers, or classmates. We became interested in games the first time we played them, and then games became a part of our lives. I guess it’s a natural process.

Although at first I only thought that the game is a kind of relaxing entertainment and a recommended way to relax, other than that, it does not have much impact on people. Unexpectedly, games are still a form of exercise, and children can exercise their abilities in games. I think games are also a good choice as a training method, because children can train in games, feel the fun of games, and let children train themselves spontaneously.

Knowing this stuff isn’t pointless for me, it broadens my horizons and helps me have more perspectives to share when I introduce the game to others in the future. Video games have been a part of human life for many years and I think it would be extremely inappropriate to deny their existence or refuse to accept them because of some of its negative effects. I think video games will still be a part of human life in the future. The future blueprint drawn by video games, players can live in another world, I think this is the scene that players yearn for. At that point, I don’t think video games are a part of people’s lives anymore, it’s another life for people.


  Final Reflection:

       From the first article to the later articles, I can feel that the difficulty of the article is getting higher and higher. In other words, just like the brave warriors in the game, as their adventure experience increases, the difficulties they face will become more difficult.  My favorite article is “The Maker’s Eye” by Donald M. Murray.  This taught me that a great article is not just a draft.  The author needs to make repeated revisions to the article in order to complete an excellent article. Just like a blacksmith hitting a sharp sword, it can only be done through thousands of trials.

My least favorite assignment was the unit 2 RAB,Because its goal seems very simple, but when I complete the small goal, I find that I need to find a lot of data for comparison to get what I need. This creates pressure and takes a long time,it takes more time than expected.  Having said that, my heart still loves this assignment. On the surface, it took me a lot of time and gave me a lot of pressure to make me uncomfortable. But aren’t these proofs of my hard work? If my articles can share knowledge with readers, and they feel rewarded when they finish reading my articles, it proves that readers recognize my efforts, which is enough to make me happy as an author.

As a reader, the job of reading an author is to communicate with the author’s ideas. I think reading is such a process. Reading more books and communicating with writers can increase your knowledge and broaden your horizons. I don’t think I’ve met this requirement. When I read an article, I always habitually skip parts of the paragraph to read, which is disrespectful to the author of the article.

As a writer, I need to put my thoughts on homework while the writer is writing. Because articles are the bridge between readers and authors, authors share their ideas and readers learn from articles. Before I write an article, I think about my readers first, determine who my article is going to read, and add ideas to the article to communicate with the readers.

As an academic, this is my first year at university and I have learned a lot about myself. Procrastination is the biggest problem I need to face, when my homework is delayed and I don’t try to finish it, it just piles up and becomes a big mountain. How to overcome procrastination will be something I need to face until it gets resolved.

Unit 3 thoughts

I believe I did good with my research. My biggest trouble that I am facing is editing for my video.I want to avoid having a boring  ideo that won’t reach my target audience.The video is about  talking about technology and I wanted to include multiple entertaining videos that relates to the topic so nobody gets bored.Since my target audience is young adults and teenagers,I would constantly need their attention if I want it to stick.I’m going to include the sources from Unit 2 will adding new ones that I think they would want to hear.There are videos I am using as inspiration as my own but all the ideas I try to do as my own comes out as a cheap copy as theirs.After getting the editing I believe I will have an good an entertaining video for my audience.

Know Your Mentor In Class

The example I used was  “The out-of-this-world strategies in place to stop asteroid impact” by Carrie Nugent found in Ted talks, what she talks about in this article is what is earth’s plan to fend off asteroids from hitting the earth and the in the future different types of inventions to prevent it. I would say the tone of the article would be serious and informal, informing anyone on what type of plan to combat asteroids from hitting the earth. The author uses quotes from astronomers, other organizations and there plan/ideas on this. One of the things I feel that the author used too little photos and too many words that would make alot of people to lose interest of the article. By the looks of the article it would seem that the article would be 3-4 pages long. I think the audience would be the public, really anyone who is interested in this category. I would want to add more color or photos of what I’m trying to explain, and I would want to use less complicated word that would lose my targeted audience.

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