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Time Capsule

As cliche as this sounds, I wish you true and complete happiness and peace. I know it is going to take a long time to get there and if you give up that is fair. I wish you would stop stressing over situations you cannot control and just let them be. Stop overthinking and overanalyzing everything and just let events play out as they should since you tend to fixate on situations that are not good for your mental health. I also wish you would ask for help or let people know that you are having a hard time with something. I know that you strive to be independent but we all need help sometimes even the strong ones. I wish you the most prosperous personal growth. During all your personal growth and evolution, I truly hope you find yourself. 

However, academically, I hope you pass all your classes and exams with at least an A-minus while securing a 3.0 – 4.0 GPA. I hope you are reading more books and writing more and not only for school. I hope you have stopped procrastinating since you have this tendency to wait for work for all of my assignments to pile up. I want you to not give up so easily when things get hard. I also want you to leave every class knowing in your heart that you have done the best you could have. With all that is said, I truly hope that you are one step closer to the future you envision for yourself. 

Here are some pictures of my dream job.

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Time Capsule

My future self, hopefully you remembered to go back and read this at the end of the semester, cause if you don’t then what’s the point. I hope you have accomplished all of the goals that I am about to list. I hope you passed all your classes this semester cause wasting money is pretty bad. I hope you finally finished that personal project that you forgot about because it’s something I was really hoping you would finish. I hope you made some worthwhile friends talked to anybody at all because I know you like to be silent except when you’re not. There are probably more but they aren’t on the mind right now. This semester is still a start on your long journey of college so don’t get discourged and don’t slack off. If you have your act together early on, then you’ll be able to keep it together in the long run. Either way, you’re probably tired from doing a lot of writing and typing, so to relax you, here’s a picture of a dog.

Do you get it? I hope not.

Time Capsule

A small goal towards the end of the school year for me is to pass all my classes with a good GPA and improve my writing and reading skills as well, because that will help me with comprehending class materials better. Some pitfalls that I might feel up against throughout the semester is losing concentration and focus. This is not just because I am in class or simply not interested in what we’re learning in class , I have this problem outside of school as well so I am hoping I can control it better and try my best to focus in any situation I am in. I personally think Having good writing skills will help me achieve my future goals in many ways, for example knowing how to professionally send an email and how to write your resume so you can have a higher chance of getting a better job. Simply just knowing how to present yourself professionally.

I love to play sports and workout on my daily basis to self improve.


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