“But a black child, looking at the world around him, though he cannot know quite what to make of it, is aware that there is a reason why his mother works too hard, why his father is always on edge”. This line really made me not know what to say because it’s just sad that we all have the same body parts and we are divided by a skin color and have to experience life on eggshells just because we look different.
“He is part of a country in which anyone can become president, and so forth. But on the other hand he is also assured by his country and his countrymen that he has never contributed anything to civilization, that his past is nothing more than a record of humiliation gladly endured. This quote is crazy to me because James is being very blunt about everything and I like it. Yes James speaks the truth and doesn’t hold back.
“But children are very different.Children, not yet aware that it is dangerous to look too deeply at anything”. This quote is so right because children are so pure and gullible they don’t know the dangers of anything going on. It’s up to their parents and society to really shape them. I wonder if we all got along how would these children grow up?
“He becomes a kind of criminal because that’s the only way he can live”. This is so real because most people don’t have the choice to not be a criminal they are forced too because of their life circumstances and surroundings.
What I feel that James Baldwin is saying is that there’s so much more than what we are shown. He states “I would try to make them know that those streets, those houses, those dangers, those agonies by which they are surrounded, are criminal. I would try to make each child know that these things are the result of a criminal conspiracy to destroy him. I would teach him that if he intends to get to be a man, he must at once decide that he is stronger than this conspiracy and that he must never make peace with it’’. What I’m getting from this is that these children of color are held back from bigger things because of the environment and what they are told that there are bigger things out for them around. That there is so much more than criminal environments that they need to be pushed to see bigger things out there, that their life isn’t always the way they are living, they have that ability to expand and explore everything. They just need that push away from it that reality check like hey your life doesn’t have to be like this don’t settle for less settle for more have high expectations the world is larger than this. Something i wish i was taught in school was how to be street smart or the dangers of the outside world in all aspects that not everyone is what they make it to seems i would of wished that i was taught to have thicker skin at a young age so i could grow up stronger and not have to go through experiences to learn. I would have wanted to learn any of those topics other than math and sciences but learn something that would benefit me as a person growing up in this dangerous world.
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