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Author: bri (Page 3 of 12)

Unit 3 plan

To begin i want to make sure i have my ideas written down in order to proceed. My gathering material is to begin with a starter that will grab the readers attention on learning about patients disorders in the brain and what treatments they use for epilepsies. My goal is to not leave this for last minute and get it done as soon as possible. My plan is to work on an article for this proposal and have as much information as i can. When it comes to brainstorming, i want to be able to find more articles and see what i am missing or what i can eliminate. The mentor text was something that helped a lot and which i decided that i want the article to be something serious. I want to gather more article examples before i begin my article as well

Know Your Mentor Class Assignment

NY times article based on the neurological brain disorders Is more based off something serious because this correlates to patients who suffer with epilepsies and brain disorders. This source does not utilize statistics however this source Is organized which grabbed my attention. The layout Is started out clean and there Is a lot of color. It shows a few photos that deals with the source and how people are triggered by seizures interest me. The source on NY times is about one page long. The audience In the source are adolescence and I think that because this source mentioned certain patients and their age. I would like to emulate an aspect where they mention a person ended up becoming a pathologist. I would do that by making It more creative therefore, like saying show do not tell kind of thing. I would avoid too much information on an experience on brain disorders. I would do that by making It interesting for audience to read.

Unit 3 proposal

The audience should be taught how patients should consult with their doctor to check and verify If cannabidiol (CBD) would be a good prevention for epilepsies. Audience should be aware of how some patients do not take their medications the way It has been prescribed. The audience I am trying to reach Is college students who are going to study In the medical field and learn about patients with epilepsies and seizures. The genre I want to mainly focus on Is a research article because this topic Is technically researching about patients who suffer with the brain disorder and how patients can be treated. In order to begin this proposal, I plan to collect all my research and decide on an interesting opening so that I can get audience Interested In my proposal. Something that would make me concerned based on this would be If I am satisfied with this proposal towards the end. I am concerned about If I have enough information to provide in the article. Towards the end of the proposal, I do not want to have technical issues or miss any information based on patients with epilepsies and seizures. Therefore, I want to be satisfied with the end of the proposal.

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