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Author: Samantha (Page 5 of 11)

Classwork annotations

  1. “When offering such explanations, it is important to use language that accurately reflects the spirit of the quoted passage.  We must also pay attention to the tone of the quote, how we also want to present the quote to the readers. In the passage there’s this example. It is quite serviceable to write “Bordo states” o r “asserts” in introducing the quotation about Fiji. But given the fact that Bordo is clearly alarmed by the extension of the media’s reach to Fiji, it is far more accurate to use language that reflects her alarm “Bordo is alarmed that” This quote is giving us a more practical way to define our quote. It matters how we have to pay attention to the tone. How we must write in the “spirit” of the passage. (pg.47)

Navigating Genres

  •  But above all, I hope to give you an awareness of how genres function by taking what is often quite theoretical in the field of rhetoric and composition and making it a bit more tangible.  (pg3) “make it a bit more tangible” what does the author want me to touch? More clarity to genres? He’s making this more interesting than usual. I liked how he opened up with country songs, usually, a lot of people don’t like country songs but he made it more captivating and pulled the reader
  • “In particular, I noted the warm, personal style that was prevalent through every essay; the tone was primarily conversational. And more importantly, I noticed that the writer did not talk as an authoritative figure but as a coach. Some writers admitted that they did not know everything (we don’t), and others even went so far as to admit ignorance” here he mentions how to speak to students through an essay. Which is very clever by first relating to the audience in specific students. He pointed out the “warm personal style”.
  • “Because it seems only appropriate that given the fact that I am talking about genre awareness, I should make you aware of my own struggles with writing in a new genre.” Here he uses another tactic by telling us his struggles. He learned this from other essays he has read.
  • “In other words, knowing what a genre is used for can help people to accomplish goals, whether that goal be getting a job by knowing how to write a stellar resume, winning a person’s heart by writing a romantic love letter, or getting into college by writing an effective personal statement.” (pg6) I like how he explains the idea of getting things done with genres. It’s true knowing how to talk and write gets you places.
  • “Possibly without even thinking about it, you were recognizing the rhetorical situation of your action and choosing to act in a manner that would result in the outcome you desired”. – This is true because of how the author gave his examples of how we update our social media and how we send emails to our professors. GENRES FUNCTION AS SOCIAL ACTIONS
  • “In other words, Miller is saying that all genres matter because they shape our everyday lives. And by studying the genres that we find familiar, we can start to see how specific choices that writers make result in specific actions on the part of readers; it only follows that our writing must be purposefully written.


The genre narrative writing would be the best-known genre for me. I feel like when you tell someone a story it makes it easier to just write it down and provide more details as well. A narrative writing can also be fiction or nonfiction which is something that makes the genre more fluid to write in. I focused on narrative writing I’d say my junior year of high school. When personal essays also fall into this genre, which is a written form of writing. Writing your college essay was all about getting personal and showing college admissions who you were at that point in your life or who you wanted to become. Common rhetorical features in narrative writing would be an analogy, which is when the writer uses one event or person to describe another. Metaphors and similes tend to compare one thing to another. They have the power to add mood and help the reader make connections throughout the writings. They are used in poetry, screenplays, fairytales, and many more other genres.

Two genres that would be a good option for Unit 2 would be journalism-genres and articles. These particular genres are all about information, I am going to need a lot of information from articles based off of society, and COVID19 and how we are now as a society and how we are still recovering from basic health insurance problems and social gaps. The genre journalism, I would specifically focus on interviews. I am looking for interviews that were being done to the people from a lower income household, or how students from that social working class were able to continue their education when their home space wasn’t the best to be in and especially learn in. Articles from journalists or news reporters would be essential to my research project to provide raw information from the point of views from different social classes with the privilege of having the project more informational to an audience who is learning more about this topic.


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