A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Samantha (Page 10 of 11)

Bunn Assignment


  1. (pg.72 p3) “The idea is to carefully examine the things you read, looking at the writerly techniques in the text in order to decide if you might want to adopt similar (or the same) techniques in your writing. You are reading to learn about writing.” I’ve never really thought about a different kind of reading. There is always that one way when you just read a book or whatever it is and ask yourself what does this mean to me? or what did I learn?. This made me want to realize and focus and writing techniques of authors to apply them to my own writing.
  2. (pg.74 p3) “Allen Tateā€™s metaphor of reading as if you were an architect is a great way to think about RLW. When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ā€œbuildā€ one for yourself. Author David Jauss makes a similar comparison when he writes that ā€œreading wonā€™t help you much unless you learn to read like a writer. You must look at a book the way a carpenter looks at a house someone else built, examining the details in order to see how it was madeā€ (64).” It’s all about being an architect, the structure of the writing and the origin. Reading like a writer seems hard but it’s seems better for the future. In the way to improve my own writing and have a different reading style.
  3. (pg. 75 p3) “When we read like writers we understand and participate in the writing. We see the choices the writer has made, and we see how the writer has coped with the consequences of those choices.” Writing starts from the very first thought of the author, to the audience, the story, the language. The choices in the writing leads to how great or how poor you want to interpret. Such as choices in our own writing, consequences to my readers.
  4. Ā (pg.79 p3) “When reading I tend to be asking myself a million questions. If I were writing this, where would I go with the story? If the author goes in a different direction (as they so often do) from what I am thinking, I will ask myself, why did they do this? What are they telling me?”.Ā  These are questions I should be asking myself when I read, to read more like a writer. I would try and apply the context and the format I like into my own writing. A goal of mine has always been to capture an audience who relates to my story, or what I’m trying to say.
  5. (pg. 84 p2) “Think about what effect presenting this personal information might have on readers. Does it make it feel like a real person, some ā€œordinary guy,ā€ is talking to you? Does it draw you into the essay and make you want to keep reading?”.Ā  Here he is talking about the essay he wrote and how he started it. To be honest I thought this story at the beginning was about him being a security guard, but then I realized, OH! he was talking to me about reading like a writer. I have to admit, him mentioning London did give that “ordinary guy vibe”. can i give off an ordinary vibe?

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One Word

Learning from our past is always a lesson that allows us to grow. A core value would be learning and gaining knowledge, there is so much information out there in the world, there is no limit for us not to learn of something. When a person know so much I have realized they are very good in conversation. That is something I admire and seek so much in my life, I have never really been good at small talk or discussions so I try to educate myself as much as I can with general topics to be able to conversate. No matter how much technology is advancing, we always have the opportunity to grasp new things and become someone new.

This value relates to my goal in so many aspects. How to be in a room, how to carry yourself, how to present yourself. I feel like with more knowledge you can defend yourself as well in so many different conversations. I’m just trying to be “street smart” and “book smart” as some would say. Adult life is so scary and knowing so much is definitely a plus. This also partakes with past experiences you learn from toxic relationships/you learn from mistakes in our school work, regrets, and it’s this where we learn to not go through those mistakes again.

Like I said in the previous paragraphs, knowledge and learning comes together with all of my classes in college, all of my life lessons. There are so many words out there that would improve my writing, not only that but the knowledge of better grammar, better punctuation. Englishes classes have never really been my cup of tea, but this class is more important than I thought it would. This is one of those classes you take with you forever


One word hw#2

Professor Cole makes english fun, I wouldn’t say nervous or worried about this course but I am excited. I do want to grow those “biceps” in writing lol. I have never been a strong writer, so I am really determined to do well in this class and thankful that we have a cool professor to teach what I would call a boring class. Worries about being present would be COVID, protecting yourself from this virus is definitely an act of kindness and selflessness. I have to take care of myself not only for my sake and my health but for my family. Making sure I take every precaution there is.Ā 

This photo means a lot to me, it was taken at the edge in nyc during sunset hours in the fall.Ā  This photo will always hold so much meaning to me because it’s in nyc, and the sunset always brings so much peace to me. No matter where in the world you areĀ  you’re going to see the sun setting.Ā 

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