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Author: Obed Pen-Ogbolu (Page 6 of 11)

The Art of Quoting

“It is better to risk being overly explicit about what you take a quotation to mean than to leave the quotation dangling and your readers in doubt.”(Page 49, Paragraph 2) | This quote really pops out to me as a person who tends to worry about my analysis of a quote. I tend to over explain since I am never sure if I got my point across. Now I always thought that was a problem, but now I don’t think I have to worry so much anymore. It is better to right too much than it is to write too little. As long as I do get my point across, then I shouldn’t have to worry too much about the length of the analysis. I think it only becomes a problem when the analysis starts to dominate your work. Then at that point your own voice is less heard.

Navigating Genres

  • “But what would happen if I wanted to write a country song that didnā€™t do any of the above things? Would it still be a country song?”(Page 250, Paragraph 1) | This is something I have always been curious about. Not just for country music, but for a multitudeĀ  of things. If a certain thing has properties to it, and you make something with the intention of it being that certain thing, but it has none of the properties of said thing, would it still be that certain thing?
  • “… eventually everyone who encounters this situation is basing his/her response on the previous ones, resulting in the creation of a new genre.”(Page 252, Paragraph 1) | The creation of a genre is like evolution. Something fresh and new slowly gets built upon and eventually evolves. But the way it evolves also depends on the person evolving it. I guess this is how existing genres also evolve into more specific genres, like how essays transform into informative and argumentative essays.

I am very comfortable with the action, fantasy, and mystery genres. I was a guy who always loved seeing people fight (I promise I’m not violent), seeing different worlds or entities and powers that didn’t exist in our world, and of course figuring things out on my own. There are other genres too but these ones capture the essence of what I read. I have always enjoyed these genres, whether it was in books, mangas, shows, etc. They just seem the most entertaining to me, and so they are the ones I am the most familiar with. My brothers are also into those genres, so I ended up discovering it through them. At least I always ended up watching what they watched and a lot of them shared these common genres so that’s how I grew to enjoy it. A lot of these genres that I’m into have rhetorical features that include narratives and a lot of themes that they want us to learn from them.

Good genres that might give me good information for Unit 2 are articles, documentaries, and nonfiction books. As I am researching how people are affected by video games, seeing things like interviews or live conversations between people would greatly help my research. The main focus is just finding genres with psychology and sociology incorporated in them, as it can help me study the human mind and see the different ways it is affected by video games. Anything video game related could also help, but they would mostly have to be about the competitive scene, as that is prolly filled with people that are the most affected by online video games. Looking at articles allows me to see the results of others research and conversations. Documentaries allow me to get a closer look at the scene and let me experience just what possible things will cause the change. Nonfiction books are just an additional way to see the different views of people as it gives off the realism needed in my research. I need what I find to be as real as possible, from primary sources if I can.

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