A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: joseph (jhay) (Page 7 of 7)

One Word

One word to describe how I’m feeling about this course as we are getting started is enthusiastic.I don’t have any worries or concerns about the readings. But I have a sense of relief that we can finally be in person again. I thought last semester would be a in person semester. Knowing what happened I should have started college this semester since online classes were never good for me since I get distracted easily at home.  This photo I chose is off my cat who I love. I have a soft spot for cats, never liked cats until I got one myself. He keeps me busy at home, since I recently quit my job and it’s just him and I at home majority the time. Feed him twice a day, play with him whenever and scoop his poop every morning. Nice to have a pet around even though he used to scratch a lot but he grew out off it since I would yell at him. He means a lot even though “it’s my sisters” since even after I recovered from covid he would come in my room and lay on top of my chest while I slept



First things first I thought I was going to drive to school to college, but the damn snow piled up next to my car and I didn’t have time to shovel it. So I took the train from Queens to Brooklyn with an hour to get there. Once I arrived outside the city tech building I got pretty nervous seeing a huge line since I was already running late. Supposedly everyone in that long line didn’t have their VaxPass for whatever reason you just had to check your outlook mail but it is what it is. Thank god I had my pass and got to cut the line and not wait in the cold. Went up those weird stairs and I entered the room it feeling weird since it’s been almost 2 years since I sat in a classroom and did whatever we did in high school. For whatever reason I sat in the front even though I always been the type of person to sit in the back. At first I thought Professor Cole was trying too hard to be likeable and found it corny (hopefully she doesn’t read this and doesn’t take offense, she did say to say whatever was on our chest), but as the lecture went on I geniually started liking her. When she told us she wanted to be a professor she herself would’ve wanted I instantly knew this is probably going to be a fun semester and the fact that I’m actually typing this much guess means she got to me. English has never been my favorite subject but anything could change

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