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Author: joseph (jhay) (Page 6 of 7)

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I can still remember my first semester of sixth grade. Fall 2015, typical hoodie season cold breeze which would eventually turn into jacket wearing brick season. The first day of school was a vibe of anticipation in the air to find out who’s got the same classes as you  and who the new teachers would be like. I still remember 6th period lunch, 7th period social studies and final period was science. Earlier classes were easy to get through although I would not care and fool around with my boys every now  and then. I still can remember the scent of jolly ranchers that would hit you once you entered the science room. Mr. P always had a bowl of jolly ranchers for students to grab ONE. Mr. P,  off the bat was different from most teachers as he didn’t teach the way other teachers would teach. Every Monday he would give us 10 mins to setup our Cornell notes for the week. Cornell notes were so cool to me because it made note taking cool. I wasn’t just writing whatever the teacher wrote on the board but little bullet points of what I understood from the slide. Mr. P would play ball with us during our lunch break, he would later on be our basketball coach along side the P.E teacher and he ran the Lego robotics after school I would eventually enroll in. As the seasons changed, sunset would happened later, jackets turned to simple longsleeves, my spring semester of sixth grade started, I guess I got too comfortable around Mr, P since I would just fool around in science class and not care thinking him and I were cool. He wouldn’t call me out on my behaviour, right? Instead of saying “I’ll have a chat with your parents on the phone later today” like most teachers would say, he would threaten to kick me off the basketball team or robotics program if I kept fooling around. This kept me in check in his class only. The following year during the spring semester, my teachers would tell me to do work or else they’d let Mr. P know about my misbehavior. This would actually lead me to do work and take notes in every class with the Cornell note taking format. My grades would only rise from that point on.

Throughout my whole school life, Mr. P was the one only teacher that was able to control my behavior and actual had me invested into his class. His Cornell note taking are still a format I use to this day. Although after I finished middle school and headed to high school, I went back to my old tendencies and would fool around. One thing that did stay consistant throughout my time of high school pre covid, was my note taking ability. Although I still was a distraction in some classes throughout my two years, and a half, of high school, my teachers always praised my notes I would take. That was all to my middle school science teacher, Mr. P.  My final year and a half of high school was all online, so I had to type my notes which wasn’t the same. Now that I’m in college and taking this English course, I’m hoping to use that format of note taking when possible. Who knew a SCIENCE teacher would help my note taking skills. At the time when I learned about the format, it was cool, simple and neat. I would have never thought back then it would impact me the way it has.

Time Capsule

If you are reading this hopefully you have done a great job this past semester. You did it, you finished year one of college. In the beginning of the semester you were bummed out you weren’t in the same course as your boys, but maybe that was for the better. That being said hopefully you will use the writing ability you learned during this semester in future courses, or in general whenever you need the feel of writing. Hopefully you didn’t slack on assignments, even though knowing you it’s inevitable. In the beginning of the semester you enter the course with a few books being read at home, hopefully you have read a few by now.  All you learned in this course is important as you know you have to able to communicate with others in the constuction management field and hopefully architect down the line. You require good communication skills in these fields, most jobs in general require great communication with co workers. If you somehow did mess this semester up, do what you did before entering junior year, self refelct and do better. Not all paths are perfect, Remember the goal at hand and the house you want to build for mom. But we got this far so I know for a fact you didn’t mess up, that’s there just in case. If you passed as you should, enjoy the summer but be ready to get back to it come August.


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Core Values

One core value that I really carried on from high school is friendships. Friendships I built from high school still hold on till this day. I was a little rebel in freshmen year which caused a lot of attention my way which I didn’t want. But it gained friendships, not ideal but 5 years later I’m still friends with most of them. Two and a half years in high school I never beef with anyone and don’t regret the people I met. During the few months of the pandemic I was devestated knowing I’d miss the second half of my junior year and posibly my senior year the way things were looking. During this time I used an app called Discord where a lot of my friends were on. We would join voice calls and talk from the moment we woke up till midnight. It was a weird time where we did nothing but stay indoors and thankfully I had people to talk to during the lockdown. Once we slowly started lifting lockdown I would go out any chance I got to play ball, soccer or to just chill and walk around Astoria Park or even walk from Flushing Meadows to 74th just because we didn’t have nothing to do. Some of them come to this college but we couldn’t agree on the same classes which may have been for the best since I don’t want to distract myself especially since we are in person and I’m taking this serious.

       This value relates to your goals for my future because I’m going to meet new people at work or school whether I like it or not. For the first time in a long time I felt reserved when Professor Lisa said to talk to a peer in the classroom to get their number or anything to get a hold of them. I haven’t talked to anyone outside my boys in a very long time. Coming from an almost two year layoff it was weird just talking to a complete stranger. I felt comfortable telling myself I’ve done this in high school and middle school before. So getting out my comfort zone is something that relates to my future goal since talking to new people is required if I want to be a construction manager and hopefully architecture down the line.

      Improving my writing and communication skills will help me achieve these goals since I have to communicate with anyone at any place at any given time. I have to communicate at jobs, this course, future courses, communication is key in order to advance. Improving my writing is key for this class but also if I want to apply for jobs, I need a well written resume so I can look professional and bosses know whether I’m fit for the job or not. This semester I want to work my writing muscles so I can have improved by the end and I know how to write a well written essay or writing task given to me.


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